{More!} Front Porch Features: Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #3
We got more front porches to look at this week! I am just so jealous of these front porches, that I may just consider hiring somebody like Oak porches UK to come out to fix up mine or install a new one (ha! I wish…)! They look great, which is why I’m so tempted, but my bank account would physically scream at me if I did, haha! So, this week, I’m featuring two front porches. The first is from Laura’s Little Party. Laura took her plain front porch and really transformed it into a homey atmosphere! You can check out the full transformation here.
I also loved this DIY Chalkboard Welcome Sign by Farmhouse 40. Hop on over to her blog to check out the full post by clicking here.
These front porches are great, but there’s still one thing missing for a traditional front porch. A swing! I agree, they don’t have much room, so I’ll let them off. I’ll try and create a post soon about different swing styles, helping you to decide on your favourite porch swing material if you’re thinking of buying or creating you own. Every porch needs one!
Once again, this week, I’d like you to share your back-to-school posts: lunch ideas; lunchbox notes; homeschool crafts, activities planners, and materials; back-to-school clothing; or teachers gifts. If you don’t wish to post anything in relation to the theme, you will not be featured, but you are still welcome to post. In keeping with Making the Most‘s brand, I’m asking that you post your favorite recipes, crafts, activities, faith-based, and lifestyle posts. Please do not post anybody else’s work, sponsored posts, linkups, or any blog posts with foul language. Next week, I will feature my favorite post from this week or a roundup of a group of my favorite posts.
In order to be featured next week:
- You must comment on your three favorite posts from this linkup. (Or more! Share the love!)
- Please know that we welcome any and all recipe, craft, decor, and lifestyle links, but only those having to do with this week’s theme will be considered for next week’s feature. (Not applicable for this week)
- Your linked post must include our badge with a link back to this linkup.
By posting your link, you agree to have your link shared via any/all types of social media by Making the Most Blog, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, as well as on next week’s linkup.
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thank you for this – i love the idea! 😀
Your welcome! Thanks for dropping by to check out the linkup. 🙂