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Tips & Tricks Tuesday {Linkup!}: Featuring 20 Apps for Children with Learning Disabilities

Thanks for joining me for Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #5!  This week, it was so hard to choose a feature, but I really did love this post by The Transplanted Southerner, which shares a long list of great educational apps for children with learning disabilities; however, this list is not limited to those children.  Any child can enjoy many of these apps.  I encourage you to stop by her blog and check out the list.  Download the apps that you think will work best for your kids. While you're here, please take the time to drop by some of the…

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Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #4

This week, I've decided to scrap the theme idea due to low entries.  So going forward, feel free to post anything, as long as you keep to the following guidelines: in keeping with Making the Most's brand, I'm asking that you post your favorite recipes, crafts, decor, activities, faith-based, and lifestyle posts.  Please do not post anybody else's work, sponsored posts, linkups, or any blog posts with foul language.  Next week, I will feature my favorite post from this week or a roundup of a group of my favorite posts. In order to be featured next week: You must comment on your…

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{More!} Front Porch Features: Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #3

We got more front porches to look at this week! I am just so jealous of these front porches, that I may just consider hiring somebody like Oak porches UK to come out to fix up mine or install a new one (ha! I wish...)! They look great, which is why I'm so tempted, but my bank account would physically scream at me if I did, haha! So, this week, I'm featuring two front porches. The first is from Laura's Little Party. Laura took her plain front porch and really transformed it into a homey atmosphere! You can check out…

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Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #2: Front Porch Feature

Thanks to everyone who joined me on my very first linkup this last week!  I was thrilled to see all of the different types of links that were posted, and it was oh, so hard to pick one to feature this week! I couldn't help but just love the front porch ideas shared by The Designest: You can view her full post by click on the picture or by clicking here. This week, I'd like you to share your back-to-school posts: lunch ideas; lunchbox notes; homeschool crafts, activities planners, and materials; back-to-school clothing; or teachers gifts.  If you don't wish…

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Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #1

Welcome to my very first Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup!  Ordinarily, I will select a theme for the linkup, but since this is my first one, I'm game for whatever.  In keeping with Making the Most's brand, I'm asking that you post your favorite recipes, crafts, activities, faith-based, and lifestyle posts.  Please do not post anybody else's work, sponsored posts, linkups, or any blog posts with foul language.  Next week, I will feature my favorite post from this week or a roundup of a group of my favorite posts. In order to be featured next week: You must comment on your…

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