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On Summer Routines {FREE Printable!}

Still experimenting with whether or not my nine-year old has Inattentive Type ADHD, I've found it extremely helpful to develop regular routines to keep her organized and functioning at her best.  I myself function better with routines; it's less likely that I'll forget something, for one, and it gives me a slight sense of control over my life. I have to say it's much easier to function on routine during the school months.  The school day has already been decided for us, and the routines that my kids follow at school don't have to be planned out by me.  And while…

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Super Summer 2016 FREE! Printable Calendar Reveal!

Oh my goodness, I am so excited to finally be finished with my summer calendars; it's liberating!    I feel like I am running a bit behind this year with these, because I like to have them posted a little further out from the end of school, but well, I was waiting on camp information and such.  And when you wait on someone else who likes to be late, inevitably you're going to be late.  Nevertheless, it's still here before school is out for us!  That being said, I'm happy to present to you our summer calendar! For the second year…

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{FREE!} Printable Snow Day Bucket List (2016)

Well, we just couldn't stay in the clear of snow this winter.  I guess since we had such nice weather so far this season we were bound to get a good one, and we sure are getting a doozy of a snowstorm.  And of course we just happen to be lucky enough to land in what is expected to be the 20+ inches of snow zone.  I say that with sarcasm, because I haven't liked snow since the blizzard of 1996 when we got about 3 feet of snow. Well regardless of my love (or lack thereof) of snow, I…

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The Truth About Vaccinations

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Trinity Law. This means that I received compensation for this blog post; however, all opinions are my own. This post may also contain affiliate links. For more information, please read my full disclosure here. Flu season is rapidly approaching. Since the flu vaccine is currently available in many places, now is a good time to revisit talk about vaccines. As well as vaccines, you can also take other preventative measures, like keeping your hands clean by washing them or using the Hand Sanitizer Canada has to offer to kill germs. Killing the germs…

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DIY Homework Caddy

Let me just start by saying that this DIY Homework Caddy has been a lifesaver at our house. We don't really have room in our house for an extra desk for the kids to work at, so they have to do their schoolwork at the kitchen table. Before I put together these caddies, cleaning up the mess after the kids were done their work was just a nightmare. You know--glue sticks, crayons, pencils all over the table--and no where really to put them. And of course, having limited funds, we were looking for some very inexpensive items to make our…

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