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Courageous is LIVE!

I have to admit I am SUPER distracted today. I am excited and in pain from my back and sick with a cold all at the same time. Here is the exciting (and most important!) thing though: I was on a break at a retreat on Saturday when I discovered that my new book Courageous is live on Amazon, and I've been trying to promote like crazy across all channels ever since.  Then this morning I discovered that the book is live on the Barnes & Noble website (on sale, no less!), so whenever Amazon runs out I am checking the…

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Courageous Launch Team Open for Applications!

Hey everyone!  I am so excited today, because my book release is getting closer and closer!  We are now making preparations for the arrival of the book and are exploring different ways to get everyone involved who is looking forward to this just as much as I am.  SO.  That being said, I wanted to offer an invitation to everyone to join the launch team for my book. First, let me answer some questions you may have. Who am I? I am, first and foremost, an imperfect child of God who daily strives to understand God’s grace and who seeks to…

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The #1 Thing You MUST Do if You Want to Write

I am a passionate writer.  I have been since the age of 8, writing stories on my dad's typewriter and selling them for 50 cents.  As I grew older I wrote for school, and I wrote for fun.  I wrote to record things, I wrote to vent things, and I wrote to communicate.  I kept a journal, and I wrote volumes of poetry. But for a long time after my first daughter was born in 2007, I didn't write anything except what was necessary for survival.  I don't know why, but I just stopped. When I opened up Making the Most to the world…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: A New FundRazr Campaign

Today I have gone back into working on fundraising.  In less than a year I want to be in the process of publishing this book, and i am in need of funding to publish it with Westbow Press. I have received great advice from loving friends and family who encourage self-publishing; however, Westbow Press will allow me to receive professional assistance, free copies of the book, and a chance to be picked up by Zondervan. The last time I tried to fundraise for publishing, I held lofty goals.  I'm being a little more realistic this time, shooting for the $2,000…

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Wading Into Deeper Waters

As you know, I took the big plunge last week by purchasing my own domain name for the blog.  Well over the weekend, I made the decision to further wade into deeper waters by signing up for some additional social media accounts.  Okay, so this doesn't really sound like a big deal.  But for having the blog open for two years and just now signing up for a few more accounts, it just feels more real.  More professional, I suppose.  Now, my goal is to keep them updated! Please take the time to drop by and follow me on my…

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