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How to Love Your Kids (When They’re Driving You Crazy)

  When my oldest daughter was born, I didn't quite know how to parent. Go figure. I stumbled through the basics, and I think I got them fairly right. But then that little girl grew and started being able to do things on her own, and when that happens, well, you know, things happen. Messes happen. Accidents happen. We get to potty training and teaching our kids how to be helpful by carrying things. But then we forget that they are still little and that they still make mistakes. Heck. We forget that we make mistakes. And suddenly that little…

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Start Over

Man, I messed up yesterday. I started out by trying to get these kids out the door to church.  One did what I told her to, and the other--well, the other one just did whatever the heck she wanted, wandering around the house with a chain necklace dragging on the floor (to entice the cat) under the pretense that she was "looking for her coat." And then I just lost it. Yes, over a lost coat and a chain necklace.  For goodness' sake. You'd think I would have waited for something a bit more important to freak out over, but…

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Dear Bio Mom: 8 Things You Need to Know About Co-Parenting with a Stepmom

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same. Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent. While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted to reflect the step-mother who is actively involved with her stepchildren on an everyday basis, whether her visits are once a year or daily. I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. For the biological mom, I also realize that not every parenting situation is the same. Some step-parents are genuinely not good people and are not looking out for the best interests…

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After the Wedding: 10 Things You Need to Know About Being a Stepmom

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same.  Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent.  While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted toward the step-mother who is actively involved with her step children on an everyday basis, whether your visits are once a year or daily.  I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. Part 2 of my 3-part Stepmom Series: 1) If you have kids of your own, nothing will ever be fair.  Ever.  If the father of your children is in the picture,…

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Why I Pray for My Husband’s Ex-Wife

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same. Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent. While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted toward the step-mother who is actively involved with her step children on an everyday basis, whether your visits are once a year or daily. I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. Part 1 of my 3-part Stepmom Series: I wasn't entirely sure I would post this. I've had this sitting in my brain for a few months now, and I couldn't decide…

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