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Announcing My New (PRINTABLE) 2015 Household Management Binder (and a freebie!)

I'm thrilled to finally release my very own 2015 Household Management Binder! I've been working on it for about a month, and made it available on my Etsy shop yesterday. It's available for $5 right now, but I'll give a free copy to the first three people who comment on this post. I hadn't really planned on putting one together, but the collection I have currently is completely hodgepodge, and I wanted to feel somewhat organized to begin a new year. I couldn't find anything I really liked, so I put together something of my own! Having said that, as…

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Taking Care of Friendship

Today, as I attempted to catch up on the backlog of emails in my inbox, I perused through some of my favorite blogs.  As I was doing so, I happened across a few articles about friendship, the importance of developing friendships, and the like.  It got me thinking.  I don't like to jump on the bandwagon, but when something speaks to me, I feel I need to write it.  (And by the way, you can check out what I read at incourage at The Art of Simple.) On the radio the other day, I heard one person ask another what…

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Cabin Fever – A Bucket List

Well, it's started... The big snow has begun, and we're waiting for anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow.  School is cancelled already for tomorrow, and we are anticipating yet another snow day--trapped inside, away from the bitter cold.  I've lost track of the number of snow days we've had already--enough to take away almost all of the school's remaining days off and bordering adding time to the school day or going until the end of June.  I anxiously await the picking at each other and the inevitable..."I'M BORED!" So in anticipation of yet another snow day, I put…

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A Disney Frozen Birthday

Yesterday, we celebrated Princess Anna's birthday. Her birthday is actually in the summer, but having had a summer birthday, I know many people will be out of town for her birthday. Because of that reason, I wanted to make sure she had a successful birthday, so we just celebrated 6 months early. As a family, we will celebrate on her birthday, but her friends were able to celebrate with her this weekend. Her newest favorite Disney character is Princess Anna. If you couldn't tell. Anyway, because her favorite character is Princess Anna, of course we had to have a Disney…

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My Top Homeschool Resources

This week, my sister made the comment that she is considering homeschooling my niece for Kindergarten and 1st grade. While I am not one with the patience to do anything like that, props to her! But it got me thinking, as she asked her "teacher friends" about resources. Even though I don't homeschool my kids, I subscribe to many blogs that make learning at home a lot easier. I'm that crazy mom that makes her kids learn over the summer (don't worry, they get more than enough play time!). And I'm glad I do. Over this past summer, my daughter…

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