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Goal Setting: Week of September 13, 2015

So...I'm pretty sure I spent more time this week doing stuff for everyone else than I actually did working. Here's what I actually did: One kid got pinkeye (so she went to the doctor and was home for a day), another got a concussion (so we spent 2 hours waiting in a walk-in clinic that day).  My dad needed extra help this week, which took up two days.  I had homework out the wazoo.  Not to mention invitations that needed to be put together, phone calls to be made, emails to send, and some design work for my husband's business.…

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Reading List Review: September 2015

I was so excited to get so much reading done this month!  Four of the books I finished were part of my research for my upcoming book, and two of them I did for book reviews.  You can find my review of Through a Man's Eyes by clicking here.  As of right now, I only have one more research book to finish before I can dive back into writing, and I should be finishing that book this week.  Don't be too sad, but my reading may be down next month since my focus will be on writing this month.  Anyway, without…

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Goal Setting: Week of September 6, 2015

Regardless of the fatigue that I felt this week and of course all of the random things I had to do this week I actually did okay with my goals.  Since we have the holiday on Monday, I'm curious to see how well I do, because it seems when there's a day off the rest of the week is off.  Let's be optimistic though. Here's how I did this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: Drink soda only 2 days (oops) 4 c. of water daily (well, this happened 3 out of 7 days…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 30, 2015

So last week I was feeling a bit lazy (perhaps the fatigue that comes before a cold!), so I didn't post my goals.  This week I'm sick but I know I need to post them anyway or I give myself an excuse not to accomplish them.  I did okay this week on my goals, but my health goals were down, because I tend to give myself an excuse when I'm sick.  Here's how it turned out: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: Drink soda only 2 days out of the week 4 c. of water…

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Reading List Review: August 2015

I definitely tricked myself this month.  I thought I hardly read anything, when in fact I finished a whole bunch of books at the beginning of the month.  So now that I'm feeling a bit better about my reading for the last month... Here's what I read during the month of July: Not Even a Hint by Joshua Harris The Sexually Confident Wife by Shannon Ethridge Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman Start: Punch Fear in the Face by Jonathan Acuff Just Courage: God's Great Expedition for the Restless Christian by Gary A. Haugen What I'm Reading Now: Straight Talk by Joyce…

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