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Goal Setting: Week of August 16, 2015

Wow!  Compared to the last few weeks, this week was amazing!  I'm not sure how, but I got so much done around the house and personally, and much of it was done before 11:15 each morning!  I even cleaned the kitchen, straightened up the office some, went to the grocery store and put away groceries, and had lot's of time leftover to read!  Let's hope this continues.  Let's review: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: 1 soda every 2 days 4 c. of water daily Exercise (2/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (3/7) 1…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 9, 2015

This week wasn't half bad with goals.  I think, despite everything that was going on (which was a lot--it was craziness!), I did pretty well.  This week I don't have any cleaning goals, but school is gearing up where we are right now, so I think the less goals the better for the next couple of weeks.  Anyway, here's how I did. Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: 1 soda every other day 2 c. of water daily Exercise (2/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (3/7) 1 hour with Prince Charming Spend time…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 2, 2015

Well, I'd be lying if I said this week was a total waste, but I still don't feel like I got a lot done (does it sound like there is a recurring theme here?).  I've also had a lot of setbacks, though: my phone service being down twice, my comments not working for a couple of days, a linkup issue, images not working, and my hosting site down twice in one day...I did get caught up, though, and even got a few extra things taken care of.  Right now I'm taking in the beauty of a clean kitchen.  Soaking it in, because…

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God, I Don’t Understand What You’re Doing: 3 Ways to Let God Be Your GPS

  "God, I don't understand what you're doing." In this year of faith, I find myself saying this a lot. It's hard to understand what He's doing when it's hard to hear Him speak.  Especially when He leads you in one direction and then decides to tell you to turn where you didn't expect.  Because sometimes, you know, God does that.  He starts by saying, "Go like you're going toward California."  Then, later on, he says, "Now I want you to turn left toward Texas."  Two different locations, but you have to go like you're going West first and then…

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Goal Setting: Week of July 26, 2015

Okay, so this week wasn't quite as bad as last week with accomplishing goals, but it still wasn't great either.  What I really need to do is focus on my prayer time and my physical goals.  I'm really feeling sluggish right now, so what I'm doing currently needs to stop.  I didn't quite get all the cleaning and ironing done, but I also did 4 extra loads of sheets and blankets (thanks to Rapunzel), crushed 2 large trash bags of aluminum cans, and swept the basement stairs, so I figure it's a wash. Here's how I did with everything else:…

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