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Goal Setting: Week of January 31, 2016

Thanks to all of the snow that came last weekend, I did fairly well on my goals for this past week.  The kids were home Monday through Wednesday and had two-hour delays on Thursday and Friday, which cut out my gym time.  So even though I accomplished absolutely NONE of my physical goals, I did fairly well with everything else.  Here how things looked for this past week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7) Finish reading Make It Happen by Lara Casey Finish reading Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey Finish 2 cross stitch colors (I…

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Looking Ahead to February (2016)

This year, I've made it my goal to plan a little bit more in advance for my posts, so that you have ideas in advance of holidays and seasons and so that I'm not running around like crazy trying to pull something together at the last minute.  Because as much as I hate to admit it, I was doing too much of that last year, and I don't really like it.  I really prefer to plan ahead. That being said, I've set aside time at the end of each month as a business day to work on my plan for…

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Goal Setting: Week of January 24, 2016

Well now that 2016 is in full swing, I guess it's time for me to get back into the swing of my goal setting.  I have been setting goals the last few weeks; I just haven't posted them.  I do value accountability though, and even though I don't get much response from these posts, I find sharing my goals keeps me more accountable (because who wants to tell the whole world you failed?!?!?).  So without further ado, here are my goals for this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7) Finish reading Make It Happen by Lara Casey…

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One Word 3.0

In the past few years, I've become a big fan of choosing one word to focus on as the theme to my life throughout the year.  While some choose only one word and scrap the resolutions, I am a supporter of both.  I think you can set goals for the year while choosing to live by one main word.  One focus.  One theme. There are lots of words to choose from. My first year, I was intentional. My second year (2015), my word was faith. There are unlimited choices.  (If you want to choose one for yourself, check out the OneWord365 page…

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2016 Goals

Once again, I am here to set out some goals I hope to accomplish in 2016 in order to live a healthier lifestyle.  I'm doing things a little differently this year, as you will see in the days ahead, but overall, these are the most important things I hope to accomplish or become consistent in this year: Family & Relationships: Spend 2 hours per month with each child Do devotions 3x per week with Prince Charming Do devotions 3x per week with Rapunzel and Princess Anna Go on 12 dates with Prince Charming Send 1 personal note every week Invite…

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