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30 Days to Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Success in 30 Days

I've been spending some time lately thinking about goals, success, what it means to be successful, and how on earth I can accomplish my goals this month in order to be successful.  I even wrote a post on why many people fail to achieve their goals or be successful.  All of this thinking causes problems for me.  Like it makes me think.  And then I come up with ideas.  And then sometimes I try my ideas.  Sometimes that's scary.  Ha! This time, though, I think I've had something good come out of all of this thinking, and I wanted to…

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Goal Setting: Week of June 19, 2016

Even though it's been a couple weeks (once again) since I set goals, my goals are pretty much the same.  I have yet to accomplish much; we've been busy running errands and going to appointments and such things so life has been busy.  This week is still going to be busy, but hopefully I can squeeze out a couple of accomplishments.  We'll see how that goes. Here are my goals this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7) Work on 1 cross stitch color Physical: No soda 8 c. of water daily (3/7) Exercise (3/7) Relationships:…

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The Busy Mom’s Guide to a Faith-Focused Summer

Every summer I love making sure my kids are filled to the brim with opportunities to learn.  We read, we journal a bit.  If I'm on top of my game, we might do a couple of science experiments, play a couple of math games, and maybe even learn something about social studies.  My goal in attempting to keep up with summer learning is to ensure that their brains continue to work and grow and learn so that they return to school in the fall with an advantage and not below the curve following summer "brain drain."  (In fact, I've shared for…

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The #1 Reason You’re Not Succeeding at Your Goals

I seem to be a quitter. At not quite thirty years old, I've been reflecting on my years since high school and realizing that I've started a lot of things, but I've yet to become what I'd call successful in business or in my financial life. And as I've come to this realization, I've also had to recognize that part of the reason I am not yet successful is because I've quit so many things. When things don't explode with popularity as fast as I want them to or if my bank account doesn't grow as fast as I want…

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Goal Setting: Week of June 5, 2016

Once again I've missed a few weeks of goal-setting.  Shame on me.  :(  It's been a busy couple of weeks what with preparing for the kids to finish up the school year, Memorial Day, appointments, etc.  I'm really hoping with a new routine and some new supplements this summer that I'll be able to stay committed to, but more importantly FOCUSED on, my work without any major disruptions.  We shall see.  In the meantime, here are my goals for the upcoming week--the first week of having my kids home for summer vacation (eek!): Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7)…

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