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Goal Setting: Week of February 21, 2016

This week was still another week where the kids had off due to snow. I am so ready for Spring; I just don't think I can express how little I really get done when the kids are off for snow days. The good news is that some extra time home did allow me to accomplish a few things early. So I guess this week I'll have to call things even. In other news, I found out one of my friends is expecting another baby this week! That was a wonderful way to perk up an otherwise shoddy week. Don't be…

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Goal Setting: Week of February 14, 2016

Yet again, I had quite an unproductive week.  Thanks to more snow, the kids were off two days, and then they had a scheduled day off for Friday in honor of President's Day (why the snow make up day was for Friday and not Monday I'll never know).  And when the kids are home, well...I don't get much done.  Here's what I did accomplish though: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) (Going to do this today) Mental: Journal (1/7) Finish reading The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis Finish 1 cross stitch colors Physical: Drink soda only 2 days 6…

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How to Love Your Kids (When They’re Driving You Crazy)

  When my oldest daughter was born, I didn't quite know how to parent. Go figure. I stumbled through the basics, and I think I got them fairly right. But then that little girl grew and started being able to do things on her own, and when that happens, well, you know, things happen. Messes happen. Accidents happen. We get to potty training and teaching our kids how to be helpful by carrying things. But then we forget that they are still little and that they still make mistakes. Heck. We forget that we make mistakes. And suddenly that little…

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Goal Setting: Week of February 7, 2016

Well, this week was somewhat of a distracting week. Our family was in a tough spot since we had to put our dog down, and we made the decision to move forward to finding a new puppy. I realize some may reject the idea of getting a new puppy right away, especially with all the training a new puppy will need to have, and whilst having to research 'dog kennel cost' in order to find the most cost effective and suitable one for them and for us, as well as all of the other products we have to purchase! But…

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February 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

Well, it's that time again!  February's monthly menu is here!  As always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you. Enjoy!  

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