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Bullet-Proof Heart

Depending on which version of the Bible you read, you’ll find that Ephesians 6:14 describes the armor as “the breastplate of righteousness,” or “the body armor of God’s righteousness.”  When consulting with my husband on these two terms, he informed me that, when Ephesians was being written, body armor and the breastplate were the same thing.  Thus, we’ll treat them as such. Strong’s Concise Concordance describes the breastplate as having two parts that protect the torso (from the neck to the middle of the body) front and back.  This piece of armor, generally made of leather, bronze, or iron, protected…

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Goal Setting: Week of October 11, 2015

If you read my post on Wednesday, you can probably predict how well I did with my goals this week, which was NOT GOOD.  I feel like I hardly accomplished anything.  Here's to looking forward to a better week next week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (2/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: Drink soda only 2 days 4 c. of water daily (5/7) Exercise (3/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (3/7) 1 hour with Prince Charming Spend time with Princess Anna Spend time with Rapunzel Career: Blog 3 days (MTM) Work on scripture cards Write 1 chapter Should…

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An Event You Don’t Want to Miss

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of each sale when you make a purchase using these links; however, I fully support and recommend each of these products. You can view my full disclosure policy here. Do you believe that motherhood is the toughest and most beautiful job in the world? Would you like a little help minimizing the hard stuff and maximizing the wonderful stuff involved in motherhood? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could attend trainings by all the best authors and speakers on motherhood topics? Well... You can! And it's free! And…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Unproductive

This week, I'm feeling quite unproductive. On Monday, I had an appointment that took about an hour and a half (not including travel time), which took out a chunk of my time, and on Tuesday I had a viewing to attend. Today the kids had a delay in the morning due to school in-service, and tomorrow is parent visitation day; therefore, guess where I'll be... Really, it doesn't sound like much, but with what week we've had so far, it feels like a lot. There are so many books I would like to be reading, so many blog posts to…

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Why I Admire Homeschool Moms

Last week I talked a little bit about the disagreement between moms about which is better: working or staying at home. Likewise, there is also disagreement about whether to homeschool children or send them to either public or private school for their education. It can be a really tough decision choosing between the public and private schools in houston, let alone bringing homeschooling into the mix! There is just so much to think about. Choosing the type of school is just the beginning, as then as a parent you need to pay close attention to the secondary school league tables,…

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