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Week in Review: Week of December 13, 2014

Next year, Saturdays will be my day to review my goals and set goals for next week.  But since I'm here, I'm going to start now. Since I didn't set goals next week, I'm just going to share what I accomplished this week.  I'm not going to bore you with my "Must Do" list, which includes specifics like laundry, but thanks to Prince Charming, I was able to accomplish A LOT of items on my "Should Do" list. Ironing Finish God's Little Princess takealongs Mail God's Little Princess takealongs Write a letter Read 30 minutes Cut coupons Set up Sovrn on blog Send invitations for birthday…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: DIY Christmas Cards for the Classroom

Welcome to another Work-in-Progress Wednesday! Today, Princess Anna and I were working on her Christmas cards for school.  I don't know about you, but I always feel guilty when the kids bring home cards from most of the other kids when we didn't send any.  So here I am making our own.  Because (I think) it's cheaper.  You just need some cardstock; some printer paper; some glue or double-sided tape; some crayons, markers, or colored pencils; and of course ink in your printer.  Unless of course you want to draw everything by hand, in which case...more power to you!  But…

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All Over the Place

I'm just gonna be honest today and put it out there. I'm feeling all over the place. Okay maybe that's not really a rarity. But I don't think you know that yet. Ha! I'm really feeling anxious right now (and maybe you're there too!)...with Christmas coming and the new year...well, we have a lot of changes coming our way in the new year. I'm nervous about them. One of my friends told me that the best cannabis vape pens could support me in my stressful period but I decided it wasn't for me. I know it may sound silly, but…

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Scripture Sunday: The Story of Abigail

It has been on my heart the last couple of weeks to discuss a couple of women of the Bible.  So for this Scripture Sunday, I know this is long, but this is a story about a wise and brave woman named Abigail.  Read and pray that you might have the wisdom and bravery that she does and you too would be rewarded as she was. The Death of Samuel 1Now Samuel died, and all Israel gathered for his funeral. They buried him at his house in Ramah. Nabal Angers David Then David moved down to the wilderness of Maon.2There…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: Couponing

So, as you'll find out in the next few weeks, I'm going to attempt somewhat "theming" (is that a word?) some or most...well essentially all of my days. So I can get my hands wet in a little bit of everything and keep things interesting...for you and me both. So Wednesday is Work in Progress Wednesday. When the new year rolls around, hopefully I'll have more design items to show you or big projects than anything else, but until then, I'll just share with you what I have going on around the what's on my list today, if I…

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