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The First Sign of Summer… signing up for our local library system's summer reading program and our local park program! We signed up today, and Rapunzel was so excited! If you have a local library who offers a summer program (many of them do), I'd strongly recommend signing your kids up.  Our library system rewards the children based on the number of minutes read.  I enjoy this method better than number of books read only because it's more fair to children of different ages.  Either way, it's a great way to keep the kids' learning throughout the summer.  It's a known fact that many children…

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Returning for Summer

I have 89 emails in my inbox. I should read them.  Or sort them.  Or something. I should be working.  Or keeping my kids from drowning our potted plants in their pool water. But I'm not. I haven't been here for about 3 months.  Three days after my last post, my oldest biological daughter's father passed away unexpectedly, and I didn't know how to deal with telling the world.  A wild mix of emotions was involved, including past hurts, what ifs, anger, some depression, grief.  You name it, I felt it.  Then dealing with his family--that was a whole issue…

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When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned

I have to admit--earlier this week, I was seriously thinking about quitting the blog thing. I'm just not happy with my numbers--no non-spam comments, small number of views, etc. The problem with that is that I'm not in the habit of quitting things easily. I never have been. Well some things. Some things I quit pretty easily--like dieting. Exercising. Okay scratch that, maybe I quit about half of the things in my life, but that's not the point. Getting something started is even more difficult than keeping it going, though. There are always those excuses running through my head: "I…

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Too Early to Think About Summer? I Don’t Think So…

A few weeks ago, I received an email from our church conference about upcoming summer church camps. I was so excited, and I couldn't wait to plan! More recently, we have been receiving snippets from the school and hearing about other camps in the area. Believe it or not, it's time to plan for summer camps. Camps book quickly, so in order to ensure you're spot, you need to sign up early. Not to mention early-bird discounts. I have a friend who is taking her family on one of the Dreamland Safari Tours, a camping style holiday in the Utah…

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Goals for the Week of February 17

I skipped my goals for last week, so we're going to try again this week.  Here are my goals for this week.  Wish me luck! Spiritual Devotions each day Devotions with Prince Charming each day Help kids memorize their verse for Wednesday Daily prayers Family Call Grandpa Call Grammie Spend time with the kids Schoolwork with Rapunzel each day Remember Spring pictures on Thursday for Rapunzel Business Send invites for 3/24 party Follow-up with invitees for recruiting party Training video Complete at least one additional hour of training Book two more parties for March Close party Follow up with previous…

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