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My Favorite {FREE!} Planning Tools for 2015

Well 2015 is only a few days away, and if you haven't started planning for next year, now's the time!  I've compiled a list of some of my favorite free resources for making resolutions, setting goals, keeping up with your goals, and reviewing 2014. 2014 Year in Review | 30 Handmade Days 2015 Resolution Printable | Art Bar 52-Week Money Saving Challenge | Fresh and Organized Dream Big Goal Setting Printable | Mama's Got It Together Monthly Goal-Setting Printable | Making the Most Blog Weekly Goal-Setting Printable | Making the Most Blog What are some of your favorite goal-setting printables…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: DIY Christmas Cards for the Classroom

Welcome to another Work-in-Progress Wednesday! Today, Princess Anna and I were working on her Christmas cards for school.  I don't know about you, but I always feel guilty when the kids bring home cards from most of the other kids when we didn't send any.  So here I am making our own.  Because (I think) it's cheaper.  You just need some cardstock; some printer paper; some glue or double-sided tape; some crayons, markers, or colored pencils; and of course ink in your printer.  Unless of course you want to draw everything by hand, in which case...more power to you!  But…

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Sometimes You Just Need a Day Off

For those working Momma's out there...sometimes...(and I hope you realize it) you just need a day off. If I share anything in common with any of the other working moms out there in the world, I could probably bet that many of you hate taking a day off. For some of you, it just means there's that much to catch up on when you get back to work. For others, it might mean that you're short on pay for a day. I have been both of those. The latter is a real issue whether you're a working mother or not;…

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Sore Throats Soothers

I had every intention of writing last week, but alas, my plans were foiled once again. I hope all of you out there in the world had a better week than I did! My week started out with an infection, mid-way through I caught the stomach bug, and on Friday I picked up a sore throat...which I found out today is strep throat. Which I also found out today Rapunzel has...along with pinkeye. We are just a mess over here. I think I will be disinfecting my house soon. Although there are remedies that you can take at home (which…

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My Top Homeschool Resources

This week, my sister made the comment that she is considering homeschooling my niece for Kindergarten and 1st grade. While I am not one with the patience to do anything like that, props to her! But it got me thinking, as she asked her "teacher friends" about resources. Even though I don't homeschool my kids, I subscribe to many blogs that make learning at home a lot easier. I'm that crazy mom that makes her kids learn over the summer (don't worry, they get more than enough play time!). And I'm glad I do. Over this past summer, my daughter…

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