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Right or Left?

Today's verse comes from Isaiah 30:21, which says: "Your Own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go,' whether to the right or to the left." This is the verse that appeared to me day after day as I fasted and prayed, seeking God's will for my life.  Inside, I knew where He wanted me to go, but this verse offered reassurance that what I felt in my heart was the Holy Spirit calling. What does this verse mean to you?

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Hi, My Name is Martha

Hospitality isn't my forte. I mean, I like to throw parties and all, and I throw at least one a year at Christmastime. I've planned birthday parties for my kids, I planned my dad's 50th, and I organized my 10-year high school reunion. And I've been told that my guests enjoy themselves (or that's what they say at least). But really I'm not a great hostess. Ask my mom. My sister and I are like night and day. Go over to my sister's house; her house might not be the most organised, but she'll drop everything to spend time with…

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Uncle Tom’s List

Today I'm feeling a bit down.  Not on the outside of course, but there's just a damper on my heart that's bringing me down.  It's just that there was an accident this weekend, which killed a friend of my stepdaughters.  She was in high school.  While we weren't close to her family, as a mom, you just can't help but to feel sad.  For her family.  For the situation.  For the loss of potential.  For the loss of a vibrant life.  And I sit here wishing I could help but not knowing how.  There just aren't words. This all just…

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Good Enough

All of my life, I've struggled feeling good enough. There have been times where I've been pretty confident and happy, felt pretty, skinny, good at something. But mostly...not good enough. And to be honest, I've felt okay lately. Not necessarily on top of things, but enough. Until yesterday. And I don't know exactly why or exactly when, or exactly what...but there it was again. Have you ever felt not good enough? Maybe it's that I'm in the process of putting together a book, and I'm unqualified. Or maybe that it's that I don't string my words together quite as beautifully…

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