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In Keeping with Goal-Setting (FREE PRINTABLE!)

For a couple of days at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014, I searched and searched all over Pinterest and the web for some planners that fit my style.  I wanted to be intentional about my planning this year, but I don't really have the money to spend so I was looking for something free--and attractive.  I had a difficult time finding what I finally I just came up with something myself!  Here are my brand new FREE Printables for your personal use only. ​ I also started using this new app on my Android phone called GoalTracker.  This app…

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Well, folks, I'm back for the new year!  I can't promise I'll remember to post regularly, but I'll try to post when I can.  I wanted so badly to post many of the projects and recipes we made last year but never got around to it.  Life happened.  I'm sure many of you other moms out there can identify. I'm sure many of you are reading now about making new years goals and resolutions.  I'm not one to try to jump on the bandwagon, but I've been making resolutions since before I was a teenager, and though I fail many…

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I Forgot My Sneakers (at the Gym)

Nope. I'm not kidding. I got myself all the way down to the gym, opened my gym bag, and realized it. I forgot my sneakers! They were sneakers like the ones from, so now you can understand my frustration when I realised I left them at the gym. I had one job. And my sports bra. And my headphones. And I had gone out of my way in the morning to make sure I remembered a change of clothes and a pair of socks ready for the gym. I couldn't believe myself. But I couldn't leave! The front desk…

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It’s Funny…

You know how I've been talking about flexibility lately? Well this week was another one of those weeks.  I seem to be having a lot of those.  The funny part is that I was trying to catch up on my reading for the Bible study I'm involved in at church. Starting way back at four weeks ago (because that's how far behind I am!), the lesson was on...FLEXIBILITY!  I think Someone is trying to tell me something. My favorite lesson was "Day 5" of the study, entitled, "Follow God's Plans".  The lesson begins with the readings of Acts 10:9-48 and…

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Plans Foiled (Again!): Learning to Adjust When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned

Yesterday, my plans were foiled again. While I was working at church, a friend stopped in to visit. I had Princess Anna with me, as she needed to be picked up early from preschool for a short day (they only had preschool graduation practice yesterday). Suddenly (and when I suddenly, I mean it!)--she started crying hysterically, holding her ear and telling me that it hurt and it was "bubbling". Whenever she did stop crying, it wasn't for long. She's had the sniffles and a cough in the morning and evening hours for about three weeks now, so I figured I…

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