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Scripture Sunday: How Can We Pray for You?

This Sunday, we'd like to encourage you to share your prayer requests, that we might be able to keep you in our prayers. Did you know that the Bible instructs us to pray for each other?  To intercede on behalf of those we love as well as those we may not even like?  1 Timothy 2:1 says, "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." Not only are we told to speak on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ, but for all people…

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When You Feel Like a Nobody: Your Voice Matters

Yesterday I felt like a nobody. I can't pinpoint what it was exactly. Maybe it was people criticizing the company I interviewed with last week after having looked down on me so long for not having a "real" job. Maybe it was all the church leaders being recognized now that I'm not (for the first time in a long time) one of those leaders. Sometimes it's difficult to see everyone else getting recognition for doing the same things you never got recognition for.  Sometimes everybody else's success just makes you feel like a nobody.  Like being "just" a mom isn't important.  Like…

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If You Could Describe 2015 in One Word…

...what would it be? I ask this question every year.  I love to hear the answers that everyone has to give.  Some years are hard.  Others are wonderful.  I love to hear the stories that come with them. At the beginning of 2015, my one word was faith. I thought that maybe, by the end of the year, my ending word would be different, but I can't describe the year any differently than how I intended it to be.  It was faith that we relied on, and it was faith that grew each and every day, week, and month this year…

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All Things New

I don't know about you, but the holidays just seem to have crept up behind me and left me in the dust.  I was caught up in a whirlwind of parties and gifts, decorating and baking.  Now my entire world seems to have stopped in the middle of that whirlwind and dropped, because all that's left is a great big mess.  It's not that this whirlwind was anything inherently bad, because none of it is.  It's just that, when you get caught up in all of the stuff, you seem to let go of the important things.  You know, the things that…

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On Rejection

I wasn't actually sure I was going to tell you this today, because let's face it: who really wants to tell the entire world about her failures? But as I thought about it some more, I felt like I couldn't possibly withhold my failure from you, because then I would only be withholding from you a commonality, a shared struggle, some encouragement, maybe even some hope when you feel rejected. Because that's how I'm feeling today: rejected. Because that's what I've been today.  Rejected. I discovered that my book was not chosen as a finalist in a writing contest I was confident I…

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