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How to Train Your Dragon 2: A Movie Review

Last weekend, for family movie night, my husband decided to take advantage of a Netflix free trial so we could watch something that we haven't watched a thousand times already (you know, like Frozen).  (And we didn't have a free Redbox code, so that was out of the question.) After flipping through the kids movies for a while, we came across How to Train Your Dragon 2.  Now, I'm sure I have watched How to Train Your Dragon, but I really don't remember anything about it.  I'm not really sure why that is, but in any case I agreed to the second…

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Making the Most 101: 8 Things You Wanted to Know About the Blog

What is a blog? According to, a blog is a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites. These can be personal journals open for family to read online, political articles, recipe pages, craft pages, etc. Most bloggers make use of the skills of accomplished web designers to help them with the creation or renovation of their websites. Bloggers are a good area of business for web designers and so they should consider setting up portfolios to help attract more bloggers to their services -…

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Run to Jesus

"I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it.  Instead, I do what I hate." - Romans 5:17 Regardless of your sin, don't you often find yourself thinking these same sentiments that Paul wrote thousands of years ago?  It can be as simple as eating that extra piece of chocolate.  I know it goes: "Oooh, chocolate." "No.  I can't have that." "But it looks so good." "Nope, can't do it." "But it's just one piece." "Oh, okay, one piece won't hurt." Even when we know we're supposed to be feeding ourselves…

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Reading List Review: July 2015

This month went very well for my book appetite.  Not only did I read a lot, but also learned a lot, which changed the way I see my prayer life and my marriage.  I'd have to say that The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson and For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn were the most transformational, so I highly recommend you take the time to read those two.  (And if you're a man, read For Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn.)  I look forward to reading more books this month to improve the intimacy in my marriage this month as well as some more books…

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July’s Monthly Menu (2015 Version)

So I know July has already begun, but the month wouldn't be complete without a new monthly menu for July!  This month, I've included a spontaneous meal (because I know we will be out and about but don't know where we'll be for dinner) as well as a "Make It Up As You Go" dinner, where I'll check out what I have around the house and make something from it.  If some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  Enjoy!

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