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Work in Progress Wednesday: Summer Activity Calendar

It's cold outside!  If you live up North, you know what I mean. And for some reason, even though my family is from the northern part of the country, I've never gotten used to the cold weather.  I could spend the rest of my life in the south. Brrrrrr! So today, I'm thinking happy, warm thoughts.  In other words...summer... I know it's a bit early, but as I say every year it's never to early to start planning for summer! And even though we don't have any funds right now, I'm going to go ahead and plan for the best; hopefully…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: A Finished Product

Today, I'm excited to announce that my "Work-in-Progress Wednesday" includes a completed project!  What I really wanted to share with you isn't the highest quality video, but it's the first of (hopefully) many speaking engagements I hope to get into and I wanted you to be the very first to see it! This particular selection focused on God's will and how we go about discerning God's will for our lives.  I spoke at my home church and received some great feedback.  I hope you get some good insight out of it as well!  Enjoy!

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Work in Progress Wednesday: 31 Days to a Clean House

Okay, I have to say I just got really distracted by the fact that my blog platform now offers scheduled posts, and I am happier than the happiest clam. You know you're a blogger... ...anyway, the real reason I'm writing today. It's Work in Progress Wednesday! I always feel like I have a thousand projects, but they're boring little household things that probably will put you to sleep. Or you'll just commiserate. Or both. But this week I've been focusing a little bit more on my 31 Days to a Clean House project. Click on that link to get to…

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Monthly Cleaning Checklist {FREE PRINTABLE!}

My goal for Tuesdays this year is for "Tips and Tricks". Today I wanted to post a free printable along with it! At the end of 2014 (I know, it wasn't that long ago...), I was browsing through some month-by-month cleaning lists. Most of them were cute, but not realistic for me. Either they didn't call for cleaning the kitchen quite as much as I thought was necessary or they required way more than humanly possible. So I took what I liked from each of them and made what I believe is a more realistic month-by-month cleaning list. In fact,…

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Uncle Tom’s List

Today I'm feeling a bit down.  Not on the outside of course, but there's just a damper on my heart that's bringing me down.  It's just that there was an accident this weekend, which killed a friend of my stepdaughters.  She was in high school.  While we weren't close to her family, as a mom, you just can't help but to feel sad.  For her family.  For the situation.  For the loss of potential.  For the loss of a vibrant life.  And I sit here wishing I could help but not knowing how.  There just aren't words. This all just…

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