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January 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

Well, it's that time again!  January's monthly menu is here!  As always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you. Enjoy!

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One Word 3.0

In the past few years, I've become a big fan of choosing one word to focus on as the theme to my life throughout the year.  While some choose only one word and scrap the resolutions, I am a supporter of both.  I think you can set goals for the year while choosing to live by one main word.  One focus.  One theme. There are lots of words to choose from. My first year, I was intentional. My second year (2015), my word was faith. There are unlimited choices.  (If you want to choose one for yourself, check out the OneWord365 page…

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The 2016 Bucket List

I know I already shared my goals with you.  But aside from goals and having a million other things to worry about, there are some thing that are...well, not really goals, but just on my bucket list on 2016.  I have no idea if I will accomplish them or not, but I hope to.  So here's what I'm looking forward to in 2016: Publish a book Run a color run with Rapunzel Create a valuable memory with the kids Provide 2 (or more!) opportunities for the family to serve others Send Rapunzel and Princess Anna to summer camp Take the…

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2016 Goals

Once again, I am here to set out some goals I hope to accomplish in 2016 in order to live a healthier lifestyle.  I'm doing things a little differently this year, as you will see in the days ahead, but overall, these are the most important things I hope to accomplish or become consistent in this year: Family & Relationships: Spend 2 hours per month with each child Do devotions 3x per week with Prince Charming Do devotions 3x per week with Rapunzel and Princess Anna Go on 12 dates with Prince Charming Send 1 personal note every week Invite…

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66 Books I Read in 2015 (And the 5 That Changed My Life!)

You may or may not remember that my goal for 2015 was to read 6 books.  Well, multiply that by 11, and you have the final count.  I really learned a lot this year with all that I read, and I look forward to learning so much more in 2016. As a recap, here are the books I completed in 2015: Speak by Nish Weiseth Restless by Jennie Allen How to Understand the Will of God for Your Life by Adam Houge 2 Words That Will Change Your Life Forever by Adam Houge Next Door Savior by Max Lucado Wuthering Heights by Emily…

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