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Mom’s Amazing Mashed Potatoes

Before I begin, I have to say this recipe is by no means new around our house.  My mom has made these potatoes ever since I can remember.  I've been making this dish since college, and it's always a great success with everyone who tries it (well, except for Princess Anna, but we don't count her when we talk about food-ha!).  It wasn't until recently, however, that I actually sat down to make a paper recipe out of this idea though.  This is one of those fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants recipes that I just had to post, and telling you to dump some butter in and…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Peaceful Thinking

This month we've really been feeling the pain of busy-ness that is back-to-school and sports and football games and other miscellaneous STUFF that comes with the fall months.  Last week was busy, and this week is no different.  So this is where you find me today on Work-in-Progress Wednesday.  Stuck in the busy-ness of life and just trying to catch up a little bit.  From this: On Monday, Rapunzel had to get a tooth pulled (poor kid), so we spent probably TWO HOURS at the dentist (they were running behind).  We rushed from there to the Halloween parade, because the kids…

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Start Over

Man, I messed up yesterday. I started out by trying to get these kids out the door to church.  One did what I told her to, and the other--well, the other one just did whatever the heck she wanted, wandering around the house with a chain necklace dragging on the floor (to entice the cat) under the pretense that she was "looking for her coat." And then I just lost it. Yes, over a lost coat and a chain necklace.  For goodness' sake. You'd think I would have waited for something a bit more important to freak out over, but…

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Persistent Prayer

I was going to write about fear today, since Halloween is on Saturday...but I realized I couldn't abandon my talk on the armor of God without one important aspect.  I know we've finished putting on every piece of armor, but there's one specific instruction that Paul gives us after explaining the armor.  And that is to pray.  Here it is in Ephesians 6, verse 18: Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Notice that your instructions aren't just to pray sometimes--like "God help me…

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Goal Setting: Week of October 25, 2015

Well, this week definitely has gone better than other weeks with tasks completed, although I can't say I'm doing very well with the goals that have intangible outcomes.  I suppose that's something I really need to focus on next week.  It probably made a difference that we were busy every single night this week, though things aren't looking much better next week.  Our schedule should open up again in November, so hopefully that will help.  Guess we'll find out!  Well, anyway, here's how I did this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (2/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Read parts 1-3 of Simply…

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