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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Upside-Down

Right now, I'd like to be upstairs on my bed hanging upside down.  I know it sounds strange, but I find myself to be the most creative when I am upside down. I've been trying to work on the book a lot this week.  I have at least one full chapter done and a couple of chapters that appear to possibly be done, but I'm really not sure.  At this point, I'm hoping to have this thing finished by November 30, but I don't know if that will be the case or not. Regardless, my brain is playing tricks on…

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BOLD Women in Ministry

Today, I am beyond excited to send you over to my friends at Broken Beautiful BOLD Ministries, where they have featured my blog as one of their BOLD Women in Ministry! Many of you out there reading may not see blogging as a ministry, but here at home in front of my computer, I feel as though I am in ministry.  Writing is a gift God has given me to share with others.  How I share my gift with others is by encouraging others to continue in their walk with God and not to give up even when the going…

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Grace Unknown

Grace. What does that word mean to you? I have to admit that it never really meant a lot to me, even though I accepted Christ when I was five (or younger).  I mean, I knew that that's what God extended to us when He died on the cross to save us from our sins.  I knew that Jesus was the spotless lamb of God that came as the sacrifice for our atonement. But yet. All my life, I never really felt grace, never really knew grace until recently. My entire life has been about performance.  Maybe if I do everything right, people…

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How Do You Get Dressed?

So when I talk about getting dressed in the morning, you may be thinking Well, duh...I put on my underclothes; shirt and pants (or dress or skirt); maybe a jacket; nylons, leggings, tights, or socks; shoes, etc. In the book of Ephesians, however, we're told of some things we must not forget to put on before we start our day.  Here's how Ephesians 6:11 reads: "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Paul's not making a suggestion.  And he doesn't ask us to put on half of the armor or just…

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Goal Setting: Week of September 6, 2015

Regardless of the fatigue that I felt this week and of course all of the random things I had to do this week I actually did okay with my goals.  Since we have the holiday on Monday, I'm curious to see how well I do, because it seems when there's a day off the rest of the week is off.  Let's be optimistic though. Here's how I did this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: Drink soda only 2 days (oops) 4 c. of water daily (well, this happened 3 out of 7 days…

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