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Worst. Vacation. Ever. (Stepping Back to Find the Positive)

If I had to rate bad vacations over the course of my lifetime, I'd have to rate this one as #2 worst vacation ever. (#1 was a trip to the beach with my parents and step-brother that was just awful, but that's a story for another day.) On saying that though, my good holidays such as once staying in accommodation from Exceptional Villas definitely outweigh the bad ones. One of my favourite ever trips was our cruise. We saved up for ages and treated ourselves to one of those fly cruises, where you fly somewhere and take a cruise from…

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Scripture Sunday: The Lord is Good

"The Lord is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him." - Lamentations 3:25 God is good.  All the time.  And all the time.  God is good. Know what my favorite thing is about this verse?  It doesn't say, "The Lord is good to those who don't sin," "The Lord is good to the rich and famous," or "The Lord is good to those who never give into temptation." Whew.  I don't know about you, but that sure is a relief for me!  Because I sin.  And sometimes it seems like I am sinning all. the.…

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20 Blogs You Must Follow

About 2 1/2 years ago, I posted "Blogs You Must Follow," where I shared a list of my favorite blogs.  Over the last two and a half years, my list has grown in some areas and shrunk in others.  But regardless, I have to share my latest and greatest favorites.  I'm not making the most of my favorite things if I'm not sharing them with others!  Here are the latest blogs you must follow: (in)courage - My all-time favorite blog!  Lots of posts from many Christian lifestyle bloggers.  Daily inspiration and encouragement, book clubs, and community groups.  They also post great…

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Grandma Cora’s BBQ Chipped Ham

On Father's Day, I decided to make my husband's Grandma Cora's BBQ Chipped Ham Recipe.  I know he loves it, and I've only made it once, so I figured I'd give it another shot to see if it came out quite as good.  What I had forgotten is that this recipe is so quick and easy that it really helped to pull together a relaxing day.  So without further ado: Here's what you need for the sauce: 2 c. ketchup 1 tsp. dry mustard 1/4 c. brown sugar 1/4 c. water 1 Tbsp. vinegar 1 pinch nutmeg You will also…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Working On Me

This week is a week off.  You wouldn't be able to tell, though, because I planned everything out in advance.  That's the nice thing about blogging--working ahead is pretty easy.  It's catching up that's tough. Well anyway, this week I'm working on me.  I'll probably post in a week or two about my plans for this week, but I'll just say I'm doing a lot of walking, for one.  I'm drinking a lot of water, because it's REALLY HOT, so I think this will be a really good week for weight loss and getting back into regular exercise and water…

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