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Summer Rules: Aiming for a Meaningful Summer

Do you make your kids work of over summer break? I do. But it's not what you think. I'm not breaking any child labor laws--don't worry. :) What I'm talking about is not making my kids earn an extra buck here and there (although they do like to do that at Grandma's house!). Instead, it's about teaching them the value of hard work, avoiding summer learning loss, and teaching them that it's not okay to be lazy. I usually have to go round after them doing everything again as they're not as thorough as I like to be, for example…

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Changing Seasons: What Season Are You In?

I was just thinking the other day about the seasons and how our lives certainly seem to go through them.  And with June 21st having finally brought summer around, I thought this the perfect opportunity to share.  I'll start with a brief description of each season and what that means for you: Spring: a time in life where doors start opening up for you, new opportunities are birthed, and sunshine is certainly smiling down on you.  Rain may come your way, but it only helps your opportunities grow more plentiful and fruitful. Summer: the season in which you start to get into the…

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Scripture Sunday: Everything I Need

  "The Lord is my shepherd.  I have everything I need." - Psalm 23:1 I just had to share the scripture verse my kids were learning last week.  If my grandma were to look down on us from heaven, boy would she be happy.  Every time I hear the 23rd Psalm, I think of her.  When we were little, she had us read it, memorize it, draw it, write it, and act it out.  I'm pretty sure I had it memorized by the time I was 5 or 6. But it is a great chapter of scripture.  This particular verse…

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Goal Setting: Week of June 21, 2015

Well this week was definitely a mostly fail.  Sometimes I tend to get over-zealous and make some lofty goals despite the fact that I have a lot of stuff going preparing for vacation...getting ready for a yard sale...last minute know the stuff. Let's look on the bright side.  I did accomplish some things this week, and at the time I'm posting this, I still have a day left to squeeze some small things in.  Here's how I did this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (2/7) Mental: Journal (2/7) Physical: No soda 8 c. of water daily Exercise (3/7)…

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Scripture Sunday: Stay Calm

"The Lord Himself will fight for you.  Just stay calm." - Exodus 14:14 This verse has just popped into my head a couple of times this week, and when I feel like freaking out, this is a good verse to remember.  I have it in my household management binder and in my bedroom, and I find it a helpful reminder that we're not in this thing called life on our own.  Whether you have been living in sin and feel like God can't possibly be with you, whether you just feel like you're alone in life, or if you're just…

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