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Work-in-Progress: Just Getting Through the Day

I don't know about you, but for me, sometimes it's a work in progress just trying to get through the day. I've really just been in a funk this week.  Maybe it's hormonal (I'll not go there), maybe it's my depression, it could be the environment, or maybe it's another factor. But I just really don't feel like doing anything. For example, today I just laid on the couch with Princess Anna for an hour watching "I Dream of Jeannie" and snuggling.  That's not like me. And usually, I have all the laundry done by now. This week, not so…

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3 Things I Know About Prayer

Prayer is such a huge topic, so widely studied, so deep and immense that I don't think I could ever fully explain prayer.  But here are 3 things I do know about prayer: Prayer is your line of communication with God.  Without prayer, there is no communication.Prayer is like your communication in any other relationship. can't text God.  You can't call Him on the phone.  You can't send Him a Facebook message, and you can't write Him a letter.  Which makes Him seem really far away at first, but what's really awesome about this is that you don't have…

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40 Days of Encouragement

Okay, so I know I'm a bit behind on the times when to comes to posting about what I'm giving up for Lent.  In fact, I was a bit behind in figuring out what I wanted to give up for Lent to begin with. I've only begun celebrating Lent within the last 10 years.  I didn't even really understand its significance until I joined the United Methodist church.  And I don't think the giving up part is anything you HAVE to do to be a Christian--I just do it, because it helps me draw closer to Christ, helps me understand what…

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Let’s All Be Brave: A Book Review

Just this past fall, I had the opportunity to participate in my first Bloom book study.  Lucky for me, because we read Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs. Let me just say… LOVE LOVE LOVE! I cannot say enough things about this book.  And none of them are negative. So if you were hoping for a negative review…sorry.  You’re not getting one. Many of you know that I am currently on a journey that came out of 12 years of ignoring God’s calling.  Part of the push that led me to step about and follow with blind faith…

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