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Taking Care of Friendship

Today, as I attempted to catch up on the backlog of emails in my inbox, I perused through some of my favorite blogs.  As I was doing so, I happened across a few articles about friendship, the importance of developing friendships, and the like.  It got me thinking.  I don't like to jump on the bandwagon, but when something speaks to me, I feel I need to write it.  (And by the way, you can check out what I read at incourage at The Art of Simple.) On the radio the other day, I heard one person ask another what…

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Scrapbooking (and Smashing!) Heaven

Yesterday, I was on the hunt for lots of miscellaneous scrapbooking and smash booking STUFF.  At this point, I really don't remember exactly what I was looking for, but I'm sure I got way off track in the process anyway.  I have a major problem with scrapbooking supplies.  And digital scrapbooking supplies.  I have yet to really get into digital scrapbooking, but I am seriously considering it.  The only down side is that I can't paste any other additional ticket stubs or keepsakes in it.  (If you have a solution for this, please let me know!) Anyway, I've found a…

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It is, undoubtedly, still cold season--at least at our house.  I can't even seem to muster the energy to write (what I feel is) something that sounds remotely decent.  For four weeks, we have had sick germs floating around our house.  It started when "the boy next door" got sick...and made his entire family sick. Before we knew it, Rapunzel was sick.  Exactly a week later, so was Princess Anna.  The next week, I was down and out.  No sooner had I pseudo-recuperated from the stomach bug than I came down with a sore throat.  By mid-week last week, Rapunzel…

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Sore Throats Soothers

I had every intention of writing last week, but alas, my plans were foiled once again. I hope all of you out there in the world had a better week than I did! My week started out with an infection, mid-way through I caught the stomach bug, and on Friday I picked up a sore throat...which I found out today is strep throat. Which I also found out today Rapunzel has...along with pinkeye. We are just a mess over here. I think I will be disinfecting my house soon. Although there are remedies that you can take at home (which…

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A Disney Frozen Birthday: Party Invitations

I’m so excited–my Disney Frozen Thank You postcards have been selling great on Etsy!  These are my first Etsy sales, so I’m super excited!  Thanks to everyone who has stopped by to check them out. Because they are doing so well, I wanted to make a complementary invitation to go with them.  They may be purchased individually or as a set on my Etsy shop: - Invitation - Set Let me know what you think!  The first three people who comment on this post will receive a free copy in their email.  Thanks again for your awesome support

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