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How Do You Get Dressed?

So when I talk about getting dressed in the morning, you may be thinking Well, duh...I put on my underclothes; shirt and pants (or dress or skirt); maybe a jacket; nylons, leggings, tights, or socks; shoes, etc. In the book of Ephesians, however, we're told of some things we must not forget to put on before we start our day.  Here's how Ephesians 6:11 reads: "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Paul's not making a suggestion.  And he doesn't ask us to put on half of the armor or just…

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Dear Bio Mom: 8 Things You Need to Know About Co-Parenting with a Stepmom

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same. Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent. While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted to reflect the step-mother who is actively involved with her stepchildren on an everyday basis, whether her visits are once a year or daily. I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. For the biological mom, I also realize that not every parenting situation is the same. Some step-parents are genuinely not good people and are not looking out for the best interests…

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After the Wedding: 10 Things You Need to Know About Being a Stepmom

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same.  Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent.  While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted toward the step-mother who is actively involved with her step children on an everyday basis, whether your visits are once a year or daily.  I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. Part 2 of my 3-part Stepmom Series: 1) If you have kids of your own, nothing will ever be fair.  Ever.  If the father of your children is in the picture,…

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Why I Pray for My Husband’s Ex-Wife

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same. Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent. While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted toward the step-mother who is actively involved with her step children on an everyday basis, whether your visits are once a year or daily. I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. Part 1 of my 3-part Stepmom Series: I wasn't entirely sure I would post this. I've had this sitting in my brain for a few months now, and I couldn't decide…

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God, I Don’t Understand What You’re Doing: 3 Ways to Let God Be Your GPS

  "God, I don't understand what you're doing." In this year of faith, I find myself saying this a lot. It's hard to understand what He's doing when it's hard to hear Him speak.  Especially when He leads you in one direction and then decides to tell you to turn where you didn't expect.  Because sometimes, you know, God does that.  He starts by saying, "Go like you're going toward California."  Then, later on, he says, "Now I want you to turn left toward Texas."  Two different locations, but you have to go like you're going West first and then…

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