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30 Days to Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Success in 30 Days

I've been spending some time lately thinking about goals, success, what it means to be successful, and how on earth I can accomplish my goals this month in order to be successful.  I even wrote a post on why many people fail to achieve their goals or be successful.  All of this thinking causes problems for me.  Like it makes me think.  And then I come up with ideas.  And then sometimes I try my ideas.  Sometimes that's scary.  Ha! This time, though, I think I've had something good come out of all of this thinking, and I wanted to…

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The #1 Reason You’re Not Succeeding at Your Goals

I seem to be a quitter. At not quite thirty years old, I've been reflecting on my years since high school and realizing that I've started a lot of things, but I've yet to become what I'd call successful in business or in my financial life. And as I've come to this realization, I've also had to recognize that part of the reason I am not yet successful is because I've quit so many things. When things don't explode with popularity as fast as I want them to or if my bank account doesn't grow as fast as I want…

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Courageous is LIVE!

I have to admit I am SUPER distracted today. I am excited and in pain from my back and sick with a cold all at the same time. Here is the exciting (and most important!) thing though: I was on a break at a retreat on Saturday when I discovered that my new book Courageous is live on Amazon, and I've been trying to promote like crazy across all channels ever since.  Then this morning I discovered that the book is live on the Barnes & Noble website (on sale, no less!), so whenever Amazon runs out I am checking the…

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Judge Less, Encourage More: Opening Up About the Struggle Within

The frightening truth about financial difficulty and outside employement As I write this, I am sitting in my car at softball practice after having written three book reviews to post on three consecutive Fridays. I am feeling all sorts of things right now as we face financial hurdles ahead of us. It's been a tough several months since the beginning of the year. Sometimes I want to panic the more I see our bank account dwindle. It might be time to take a Loan out, which I don't mind doing at times like this because I know it's all part…

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How I’ve Failed as a Christian (and Why It’s Okay)

Take a moment to imagine the perfect Christian.  If you've read the Bible, maybe you picture the Proverbs 31 woman.  Or the man described in the book of Titus.  Whether or not you know what the Bible says about how Christians should act, what do you think of? Somebody who prays and fasts regularly?  Who reads her Bible when she wakes up and before she goes to sleep?   Someone who works hard and stays positive regardless of her circumstances?  How about someone who is the picture perfect mom and wife (like a June Cleaver)?  And of course, someone who goes to church and…

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