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Sore Throats Soothers

I had every intention of writing last week, but alas, my plans were foiled once again. I hope all of you out there in the world had a better week than I did! My week started out with an infection, mid-way through I caught the stomach bug, and on Friday I picked up a sore throat...which I found out today is strep throat. Which I also found out today Rapunzel has...along with pinkeye. We are just a mess over here. I think I will be disinfecting my house soon. Although there are remedies that you can take at home (which…

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When Little Girls Cut Hair

So this weekend, Rapunzel had a friend over, and all was going well until I decided to order dinner. I walked away, the kids were supposed to clean up their mess and come downstairs.  5-10 minutes later, Tinkerbell comes downstairs with her hair chopped.  I mean chopped.  I was shocked, surprised, angry.  I didn't know what to say. Apparently Tinkerbell had decided she wanted her hair to look like Rapunzel's friend's.  So she told her to cut it and showed her where the scissors were.  They had to climb on top of the bathroom sink to get to the medicine cabinet…

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Quick and Easy Earache Remedy

So within the last couple of weeks, my entire household (with the exception of Rapunzel) has been sick. Not only that, but some friends of ours from church and our family have had the same thing, generally beginning with some congestion and a cold, developing into an upper respiratory or bronchial problem. Several individuals, including myself and our own little Tinkerbell, ended up with some ear pain as well. I think it was last week that I had my ear pain. It started on Christmas, and as we drove around I had a great amount of ear pressure in the…

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