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If You Could Sum Up 2012 in One Word…

...what would it be? For me, I'd have to say conflicted. Initially, I wanted to say that it was "discouraging".  It was disappointing, frustrating, sad.  I was appalled by the insensitivity of people who were supposed to protect me.  I lost my job.  Many of our friends separated and/or divorced.  My uncle was diagnosed with cancer.  Money was tight.  We spent over $950 on Prince Charming's truck, our dog has ear mites, my medication costs went up, and our dishwasher broke.  When it rains, it pours.  Children died.  People were killed.  We lost some friends to vicious diseases. BUT THEN... I…

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A Basic Intro

Okay, so here I am to start afresh.  I am in the third month of stay-at-home-momhood--which is not really what I can call it technically...because I am in direct sales and am about to go into part-time work.  But that's not the point.  I've had blogs in the past in which I actually posted about personal subjects, but I've discovered in this world that anything subjective can be taken the wrong way.  So here I am objectively.  I just can't stay away from the blogging world.  I love to write too much.  I love to share too much.  And I've…

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