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June’s Monthly Menu (2015 Version)

I know I'm a little bit behind on the times this week.  I wanted to have this posted last week, but things didn't quite work out the way I wanted them to work out.  Regardless, I wanted you to check out the June menu anyway.  If some of the recipes sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link!  (Eventually, I'd like to link directly from my page, but I'm not quite at that point yet.)  Enjoy! What's on your menu this month?

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Printable Scripture Cards

Last week I started working on a project that I think you will really enjoy.  I was looking for a way that I could carry around some of my favorite Bible verses with me so that I can refer to them when I really need them (and eventually memorize them).  I did find some I liked, but I also wanted something a little more extensive.  I did find one idea on Pinterest that I really liked: after you print out the cards, punch holes in them, place them on a key ring (or book ring), and attach them to your purse.…

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Avoid the Summer Slide: Review Packets Worth Investing In – Part 2

If you've been a loyal follower for a while, you have probably had the opportunity to check out my post from last summer entitled Avoid the Summer Slide: Review Packets Worth Investing In.  Just to review, I emphasized the importance of avoiding the "summer slide"--the loss in knowledge that occurs over summer break due to lack of continued review and stimulation.  Because of that, we spend so much more time in school reviewing concepts when we could be moving forward.  Here at Making the Most, we try to keep the summer slide at bay by investing in some inexpensive review packets…

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A Page From the Invisible Archives: Forever’s Just Begun

Just an introduction to the "A Page From the Invisible Archives".  Every now and then, I plan to post something that I wrote while in junior high, high school, or college.  Most of the time, it will be something creative, like poetry or a short story.  Other times it might be an essay from my Advanced Comp class (like "The Beauty of Herself", which I posted recently).  I hope you enjoy these, and I would appreciate your comments! Forever's Just Begun Sweetly, we walk together beside the setting sun. It seem's it's been forever, but forever's just begun. We overstep the…

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Well we're back again for another week.  I hope you all out there had a wonderful and relaxing holiday weekend and that you were able to celebrate and remember those who went before us to preserve our freedom. I had hoped to post yesterday, but I had a plethora of things to do.  As any mother knows, a "day off" really isn't a day off.  Monday is laundry day here, so I had at least four loads of laundry to take care of as well as the usual meal making and cleaning up, dishes, etc.  Plus whatever the family wanted to…

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