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The Beauty of Herself

People say that beauty is only skin deep, but is it really? It seems as though society's view of beauty has drastically changed throughout the years. Girls who, at a young age, believed they were gorgeous queens and princesses grew up to believe that their hair was too curly or too straight; they were too fat, too skinny, too tall, or too short. Some females go crazy trying to find the perfect balance only to discover that society's views are always changing, thus dooming the girl to hideousness. People can dedicate their lives to helping people achieve true beauty, and…

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My Daughter Was Labeled “Obese”: Where Do We Draw the Line?

Before I get into my story, let me just start by giving you the official definition of BMI. Simply said, BMI (or Body Mass Index) is a simple mathematical formula (or equation, if you will) used to calculate body fat based on height and weight. In other words, weight (in pounds), divided by height (in inches) squared, multiplied by 703 equals BMI. Here's a little history for you: BMI, also called the Quetelet index, was created by Adolphe Quetelet while developing what he called "social physics", between 1830 and 1850. BMI became popular around 1972, when the Journal of Chronic…

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4 Reasons I Take My Kids to Work

Well if you don't already know, Take Your Child to Work Day is next week.  I had completely forgotten about this concept until I got married, and my husband's daughters went with their mom to work.  Now that my oldest daughter is 8, she gets to participate as well.  Right now I'm working on a schedule for her day at home as well as a questionnaire that will help her get the most out of her day with me. I've seen a lot of opinions for and against Take Your Child to Work Day.  If you're against it, fine.  If…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Photo Editing

This week I've been working on a lot of photo editing as I try to get back into the swing of things.  I took over 600 photos in March, so there certainly has been no lack of work for the past few days.  Between the end of basketball, the beginning of softball, birthdays, and Easter, there was no shortage of photo opportunities.  I also had the privilege of taking my niece's 2-year photos.  If I can get permission from my sister-in-law I'll post my favorite photo taken of her this weekend. Photography is by no means my primary occupation.  I…

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The Goings On

I am a bit ashamed to look back on my productivity for the month of March only to see very little.  I've been quite absent for a number of reasons, but I am hoping to get back into the swing of things during the month of April. March is always a busy month for us as a family.  We begin the month with two birthdays (my father-in-law and his father-in-law on March 2nd), double up on birthdays on the 14th (Rapunzel and her godmother), and close up on March with two more birthdays on the 23rd (Prince Charming and his younger daughter).…

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