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Talking with the Publisher

Well, first things first: I added a video to my Kickstarter page!  The video is definitely less than professional, but it gives some extra details. As for the publishing process: today I spoke with the publisher!  I told my sister that it makes me feel important.  Ha!  The consultant I spoke to asked me some questions about my intentions with the book and made recommendations based on what I told him. I have to say, I’m really starting to feel like I need to get a move on.  I guess I’m just a little afraid that I’ll start this thing and not…

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My Intro to Publishing

I have to say that things seem to be working out pretty well in support of this book.  Thanks to my first two backers; I’m so excited to be jumping into this project with both feet with support from my friends and family! For those still considering backing my project as well as for those who already have, I wanted to give you some insight as to where this $20,000 will be going. My original hope was to be published by Thomas Nelson/Zondervan, a Christian publishing company.  Unfortunately, they are not accepting manuscripts of this type right now; however, I…

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When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned

I have to admit--earlier this week, I was seriously thinking about quitting the blog thing. I'm just not happy with my numbers--no non-spam comments, small number of views, etc. The problem with that is that I'm not in the habit of quitting things easily. I never have been. Well some things. Some things I quit pretty easily--like dieting. Exercising. Okay scratch that, maybe I quit about half of the things in my life, but that's not the point. Getting something started is even more difficult than keeping it going, though. There are always those excuses running through my head: "I…

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And the Bride Wore White: Review and Giveaway

Today, over at MODSquad (Mothers of Daughters--that's me!), Tracie has posted a review of Dannah Gresh's And the Bride Wore White, a book that discusses the why of sexual purity--a topic that girls today desperately need to understand.  And something I wish I had known when I was a teenager. Check out the review and enter to win a free copy of the book!  Follow this link: And the Bride Wore White Review and Giveaway

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Blogs You Must Follow

So...I was actually going to post about Black History Month, which begins today.  But as I was doing some research, I realized that what I really wanted to do was going to be a bit more involved than what I had planned on.  So I had to come up with something else. Waaay back when I was in high school, I had a blog on Digital Expressions, where I was one of the top bloggers.  Of course, back then, I was just writing to write, I had more time, and I'm pretty sure "blogging" wasn't even a term yet. Skip…

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