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Reading List Review: September 2015

I was so excited to get so much reading done this month!  Four of the books I finished were part of my research for my upcoming book, and two of them I did for book reviews.  You can find my review of Through a Man's Eyes by clicking here.  As of right now, I only have one more research book to finish before I can dive back into writing, and I should be finishing that book this week.  Don't be too sad, but my reading may be down next month since my focus will be on writing this month.  Anyway, without…

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Through A Man’s Eyes: A Book Review

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of each sale when you make a purchase using these links; however, I fully support and recommend each of these products.  You can view my full disclosure policy here. About two months ago, I devoured the book For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn.  All I can say really is that it really opened my eyes to understanding why my husband does certain things and really helped me to tune in to what he experiences daily as a man.  Who knew that…

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Reading List Review: August 2015

I definitely tricked myself this month.  I thought I hardly read anything, when in fact I finished a whole bunch of books at the beginning of the month.  So now that I'm feeling a bit better about my reading for the last month... Here's what I read during the month of July: Not Even a Hint by Joshua Harris The Sexually Confident Wife by Shannon Ethridge Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman Start: Punch Fear in the Face by Jonathan Acuff Just Courage: God's Great Expedition for the Restless Christian by Gary A. Haugen What I'm Reading Now: Straight Talk by Joyce…

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Caterina and the Lemonade Stand: A Book Review

Today, I've enlisted the help of my sister and my niece.  They love to make book review videos on YouTube, and I figured since it's review day, that I could feature one of their videos.  So check out this cute review of Caterina and the Lemonade Stand.

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: A Book Update

Well it's been quite a while since I gave an update on the book.  There has been at least one of you who has frequently asked me how it's coming along, and the group of individuals on my prayer team could use an update as well.  So I figured I'd share openly. To tell the truth, I've been trying to avoid working on the book.  Whenever I sit down to write, I get so picky about what I've already written that sometimes it's difficult just to write something new.  That fear thing, though.  But because I know that this is what God wants…

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