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Scripture Sunday: How Can We Pray for You?

This Sunday, we'd like to encourage you to share your prayer requests, that we might be able to keep you in our prayers. Did you know that the Bible instructs us to pray for each other?  To intercede on behalf of those we love as well as those we may not even like?  1 Timothy 2:1 says, "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." Not only are we told to speak on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ, but for all people…

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The Power of Prayer {and a giveaway!}

I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. I'm terrible at sitting down and praying for long periods of time...but I believe in the power that prayer has. I also believe in praying throughout the day: long prayers, short prayers, simple prayers, complicated prayers. Praying God's Word. Praying from the heart. Standing, prostrate, eyes open, eyes closed, head up, head bowed, or otherwise. Did you know you can even have a prayer request delivered to other parts of the world. Isn't that incredible? I love books on prayer and the power of prayer. I love movies about the…

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Why I Pray for My Husband’s Ex-Wife

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same. Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent. While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted toward the step-mother who is actively involved with her step children on an everyday basis, whether your visits are once a year or daily. I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. Part 1 of my 3-part Stepmom Series: I wasn't entirely sure I would post this. I've had this sitting in my brain for a few months now, and I couldn't decide…

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