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FREE (Printable!) Gratitude Journal

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I felt it appropriate to finally post my FREE Gratitude Journal Printable. In the past few weeks, I've really been thinking a lot about thankfulness, and it's not just because of Thanksgiving coming up (well, maybe a little bit...). What really brought it to the forefront of my mind was the fact that, last week, the topic was brought to my attention on a few occasions (just in one day!).  Each day I read a few different devotions.  I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I feel like that's the only way anything sinks in during…

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The Seven-Day Sprint

Oh my goodness...I am just thinking about the next couple of weeks in a panic. Some of you may be sharing the same thought: WHERE DID SUMMER GO??? Crazy mom that I am, I had this summer completely booked. I don't know what it was about last summer, but I feel like I got so much more done. This summer completely got away from me.
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Planning Summer: Theme Days

Not one of my parenting priorities, but just something fun: theme days.  Having theme days allows to do a variety of different things under a certain theme.  This keeps the kids busy and sometimes allows me to be more closely involved with their play.  Here are some of the theme days we have planned for this summer: First Day of Summer Party Construction Day Craft Day Yard Game Day Sports Day Splash Day Spa Day Last Day of Summer Party I always plan for plenty--that way, when I don't get to all of them, we still remember the ones we…

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Super Summer 2014 Is Almost Here!

Before I even knew it, June was upon me!  I always feel like I'm in a frenzy, trying to get things done.  Working.  Driving the kids.  Other work.  Soccer.  Cooking.  Cleaning.  Taking care of the kids.  More chores.  Groceries.  Working.  You know. So many of you have already entered the blissfulness of kids-are-home-for-the summer.  For some of you this might be wonderful.  For others, this may be terrifying.  I have a love-hate relationship with school summer vacation.  Yes, I love being able to do things with my family.  But I have to say I really DO NOT like to take…

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