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10 (Personally Tested!) Ways to Earn an Income from Home

About one year and four months ago, I left my traditional part-time job to pour myself into the writing of my very first book, Courageous: Living the Fearless Life God Intended, which released on April 29, 2016. Since the completion of the book (actually since before I started it, now that I think about it), I have been seeking various ways to earn an income that doesn't not involve traditional full-time work outside the home. The ultimate dream is to start investing in stocks, but we will need some help from Stocktrades before we try that! We tried that before,…

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Hope for When You Can’t Pay the Bills

If I'm going to be honest on this blog, I have to tell you two things: I didn't have a plan for a post today. Even if I did, I'm too stressed out and all over the place to follow a plan anyway. Money is tight over here. I'm sure I'm not the only woman on the planet who is stressed about money. At one point or another we all end up asking ourselves questions like "how to pay off debt quickly". There's no shame in looking for financial advice where debts are concerned but knowing where to start is…

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20 Blogs You Must Follow

About 2 1/2 years ago, I posted "Blogs You Must Follow," where I shared a list of my favorite blogs.  Over the last two and a half years, my list has grown in some areas and shrunk in others.  But regardless, I have to share my latest and greatest favorites.  I'm not making the most of my favorite things if I'm not sharing them with others!  Here are the latest blogs you must follow: (in)courage - My all-time favorite blog!  Lots of posts from many Christian lifestyle bloggers.  Daily inspiration and encouragement, book clubs, and community groups.  They also post great…

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My Favorite {FREE!} Planning Tools for 2015

Well 2015 is only a few days away, and if you haven't started planning for next year, now's the time!  I've compiled a list of some of my favorite free resources for making resolutions, setting goals, keeping up with your goals, and reviewing 2014. 2014 Year in Review | 30 Handmade Days 2015 Resolution Printable | Art Bar 52-Week Money Saving Challenge | Fresh and Organized Dream Big Goal Setting Printable | Mama's Got It Together Monthly Goal-Setting Printable | Making the Most Blog Weekly Goal-Setting Printable | Making the Most Blog What are some of your favorite goal-setting printables…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: Couponing

So, as you'll find out in the next few weeks, I'm going to attempt somewhat "theming" (is that a word?) some or most...well essentially all of my days. So I can get my hands wet in a little bit of everything and keep things interesting...for you and me both. So Wednesday is Work in Progress Wednesday. When the new year rolls around, hopefully I'll have more design items to show you or big projects than anything else, but until then, I'll just share with you what I have going on around the what's on my list today, if I…

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