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29 Ways to Love Others This Month

Yesterday I encouraged you to love others differently this month by showing love to those you wouldn't ordinarily reach out to.  While I was at it, I thought I'd give you some ideas.  I hope you'll share your own ideas in the comments below.  Don't forget to share your random acts of kindness on social media using #29daysoflove! Pay for the order of the person behind you in line. Hold the door for someone else. Smile at a stranger. Shovel someone else's sidewalk--without reward (or mow their lawn...or rake their leaves). Create a work of art for someone else. Send…

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29 Days of Love {Challenge}

February is always regarded the month of love because of Valentine's Day being February 14.  This is the day when we busy ourselves trying to show outward signs of affection toward our spouses and significant others.  While loving your spouse and significant other is certainly important, we are not just called to love those who love us but instead to love all others. So this month, instead of just loving those who love you and giving to those who will give to you, I challenge you to take the time out of your day to do one kind thing for…

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Goal Setting: Week of January 31, 2016

Thanks to all of the snow that came last weekend, I did fairly well on my goals for this past week.  The kids were home Monday through Wednesday and had two-hour delays on Thursday and Friday, which cut out my gym time.  So even though I accomplished absolutely NONE of my physical goals, I did fairly well with everything else.  Here how things looked for this past week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7) Finish reading Make It Happen by Lara Casey Finish reading Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey Finish 2 cross stitch colors (I…

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Looking Ahead to February (2016)

This year, I've made it my goal to plan a little bit more in advance for my posts, so that you have ideas in advance of holidays and seasons and so that I'm not running around like crazy trying to pull something together at the last minute.  Because as much as I hate to admit it, I was doing too much of that last year, and I don't really like it.  I really prefer to plan ahead. That being said, I've set aside time at the end of each month as a business day to work on my plan for…

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2016 Blizzard Recap

It's funny when people talk about being "snowed in" like we're all going to stay stuck inside for a week.  It may snow a lot, but you're still required to shovel your sidewalks within a certain amount of hours, so there's not really any such thing as being "snowed in," if you ask me.  If you missed me on social media this weekend, here's the photo story of the events of the weekend:                                Believe it or not--it was not a record snowfall, but it was getting pretty…

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