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Work in Progress Wednesday: A New FundRazr Campaign

Today I have gone back into working on fundraising.  In less than a year I want to be in the process of publishing this book, and i am in need of funding to publish it with Westbow Press. I have received great advice from loving friends and family who encourage self-publishing; however, Westbow Press will allow me to receive professional assistance, free copies of the book, and a chance to be picked up by Zondervan. The last time I tried to fundraise for publishing, I held lofty goals.  I'm being a little more realistic this time, shooting for the $2,000…

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Tips and Tricks Tuesday: Miracle Wash your Pillows!

First of all, I have a confession to make. The bed in this picture is not mine. My room isn't nearly this fancy, and my bed surely doesn't look this nice. Ha! I chose this picture, because today I wanted to work on some cleaning and I was working on the bedrooms. I had some extra time that fell into my schedule, and I have started both a month-by-month cleaning list as well as a 31 Days to a Clean House list just this month. I'm a bit behind on the 31 Days to a Clean House, but a lot…

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Good Enough

All of my life, I've struggled feeling good enough. There have been times where I've been pretty confident and happy, felt pretty, skinny, good at something. But mostly...not good enough. And to be honest, I've felt okay lately. Not necessarily on top of things, but enough. Until yesterday. And I don't know exactly why or exactly when, or exactly what...but there it was again. Have you ever felt not good enough? Maybe it's that I'm in the process of putting together a book, and I'm unqualified. Or maybe that it's that I don't string my words together quite as beautifully…

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Scripture Sunday: Hebrews 12:1

Run. Run hard.  And don't give up. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." - Hebrews 12:1

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