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Catching Up

Wow!  I don't know how things have been going for you (though I'd love to hear!), but our lives have been a whirlwind over here for months.  You would think that I would be used to it by now, but, well, I'm not. We had some major events happen this summer that ultimately led Cinderella to enter a faith-based residential treatment home.  There is much hard work to be done on both ends that include counseling, homework, parenting classes, visitation, and many changes to old habits. I found myself in the hospital about three weeks ago, struggling with a bout of…

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Checking In: What Are You Reading?

It has been far too long since I posted, and I miss  it terribly!  Our family is undergoing many trials and transformations, which hopefully I'll be able to share soon. In any case, I wanted to check in to see how y'all are doing? For lack of time, though, I thought I'd share with you what I'm reading and ask what's on your night stand right now?  Here's what's on mine: The Generosity Ladder by Nelson Searcy A Devotional Night Light for Parents by Dr. James Dobson Parenting Isn't for Cowards by Dr. James Dobson The Five Love Languages of…

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The Seven-Day Sprint

Oh my goodness...I am just thinking about the next couple of weeks in a panic. Some of you may be sharing the same thought: WHERE DID SUMMER GO??? Crazy mom that I am, I had this summer completely booked. I don't know what it was about last summer, but I feel like I got so much more done. This summer completely got away from me.
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I'm super-excited to announce that I'm offering MY VERY FIRST ETSY SHOP SALE!  Because my birthday is in August, I wanted to offer you all a very fine discount...just because!  So head on over to my Etsy shop at and enter the code HAPPY28 on checkout! Enjoy! P.S.  Keep your eyes peeled; new posts to come soon!

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