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How a Penny Taught My Daughter About Diversity

All this month, because it is black history month, I have been thinking about how might be the best way to talk to my children about race.  My half-brother is bi-racial, and it's important to me that my children be aware that God made all of us the same inside no matter how we look on the outside.  I've constantly been at work with this whenever we see somebody who is in a wheelchair or who has a visible deformity. For instance, last week at the post office, we saw a man who had a severe limp. "Why does that…

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Why We Celebrate Lent

To put it simply, Lent, according to, is the forty-day period leading up to Easter (it's actually more than forty days, but it doesn't include Sundays).  Lent is supposed to be, for Christians, a time period where we reflect on the past year and confess our sins. Why forty days? This forty-day period represents the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert before beginning his ministry--a time in which he was tried, tempted, and tested by Satan.  Typically, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.  The day before, "Fat Tuesday," is the day when everybody consumes the fat remaining in…

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You Never Really Know Which Day Will Be Your Last

As I was working for my dad yesterday morning, he broke the news to me that Pope XVI will be resigning at the end of the month. I was shocked to hear this, not surprised to discover later that there has not been a pope to resign in nearly 600 years. Now to understand these next statements, you have to understand that my dad is very interested in the rapture, Armageddon, the end times, whatever you want to call it. He is constantly listening to preachers who speak on Revelations and the end of days. After announcing to me that…

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Goals: Week of February 3, 2013

I'm scrambling to write these down, as I spent so much time working with the kids on Valentines and going through my email that now I'm chomping at the bit to get some other things done. Anyway, I haven't posted goals since I closed my last blog, but seeing as I just posted yesterday on goals...I should start sharing them.  So here goes the goals for this week: Spiritual: Complete personal devotions every day Complete devotions with Prince Charming every day Family/Kids: Spend 3 hours this week with each child (this is a lot for me, sadly enough) Do something…

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You Can’t Reach the Stars if You Don’t Know How to Get There

In the last year I've heard, read, and seen over and over again how important it is to set goals to reach your dreams. Did you know that... People who regularly write down their goals earn 9 times more over their lifetimes than those who don't 80% of Americans down't write down their goals (are you part of that 80%?) 16% do have goals, but they don't write them down Less than 4% do write down their goals Fewer than 1% actually review them on an ongoing basis.  Guess which 1%? I did some training last year that was very…

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