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I Am a Work-in-Progress

Sometimes when I write my Wednesday Work-in-Progress posts, I'm afraid I'm boring all of you to tears. Sometimes when I post--anything, really--I wonder if I'm just talking to myself.  Is anybody listening? I know we're only three quarters of the way through the year, but I feel like my entire life has been a work in progress this year.  It's a constant battle between God's will and temptation, pressing on or giving up. On weeks like this week (or even the past two weeks) I wonder if I should just throw in the towel.  Kids seem to be sick all the time.  If…

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Hope for Tomorrow. Live for Today.

I wish I could have written this weekend, but I take the weekends off (though truly I wouldn't mind working on the weekends, because I love this job). Something happened this weekend, and I'm not sure what it was that turned around, but it's like a switch went off in my brain that immediately allowed creative energy to surge through me.  Something I lost a long time ago returned.  I'm afraid that maybe it's just a flicker but long for it to remain. Hope. Hope has been elusive for a long time. Now that I've seen it again I want…

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The Belt of Truth

Last week I talked to you about the importance of putting on our armor as we prepare for each day in fighting spiritual battles.  This week, and for the next few weeks, I'll be discussing each piece of armor and why we need each one.  Just like each of us is an important part of the body of Christ, each piece of armor is an important part of both our offense and defense against Satan. In Ephesians 6: 14, Paul commands us to "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist." So what exactly is the…

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Grace Unknown

Grace. What does that word mean to you? I have to admit that it never really meant a lot to me, even though I accepted Christ when I was five (or younger).  I mean, I knew that that's what God extended to us when He died on the cross to save us from our sins.  I knew that Jesus was the spotless lamb of God that came as the sacrifice for our atonement. But yet. All my life, I never really felt grace, never really knew grace until recently. My entire life has been about performance.  Maybe if I do everything right, people…

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How Do You Get Dressed?

So when I talk about getting dressed in the morning, you may be thinking Well, duh...I put on my underclothes; shirt and pants (or dress or skirt); maybe a jacket; nylons, leggings, tights, or socks; shoes, etc. In the book of Ephesians, however, we're told of some things we must not forget to put on before we start our day.  Here's how Ephesians 6:11 reads: "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Paul's not making a suggestion.  And he doesn't ask us to put on half of the armor or just…

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