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Children’s Book Review: Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep by Maureen Wright

This week, Rapunzel brought home a new book from the school library called Sleep, Big Bear Sleep by Maureen Wright.  I have to say this is probably the best book she's brought home from school. What's even better is that, right now,  the kindergarten class is discussing what animals do in the winter.  In this book, the wind tries and tries and tries to tell Big Bear to go to sleep for the winter, but Big bear just doesn't get it. This book was not only well written, but it was a fun, imaginative story with fantastic illustrations by Will Hillenbrand.…

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Blogs You Must Follow

So...I was actually going to post about Black History Month, which begins today.  But as I was doing some research, I realized that what I really wanted to do was going to be a bit more involved than what I had planned on.  So I had to come up with something else. Waaay back when I was in high school, I had a blog on Digital Expressions, where I was one of the top bloggers.  Of course, back then, I was just writing to write, I had more time, and I'm pretty sure "blogging" wasn't even a term yet. Skip…

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Best Free Android Apps for Parents (Also According to Us!)

Okay, so last week I gave you the list of our recommended free apps for kids (on android devices). This week, I'm presenting you with our list of our recommended android apps for parents. We are only looking at apps that are currently free on the Google Store. This tends to be the best place to download android apps, but there are other websites like that also can be a great place to find apps and read different views about how useful they are. There are, of course, many apps which cost money that are fantastic, but we are…

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Princess Anna’s Top Picks for Show and Tell

If you have a preschooler like I do, you're probably familiar with show & tell.  Your kid brings something in.  She shows it to the class.  She tells the class about it. I often wonder how Tinkerbell describes her show & tell item.  At home, it's more like this: "It's my doll and I like to play with her." Well, today was show & tell day.  And pajama day.  Which we love.  But that's a story for another day. I'm starting forget already what we've already taken for show & tell.  But we still have half of a year left,…

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The Best Free Android Apps for Kids (According to us!)

If you haven't already noticed, there is a plethora of apps out there nowadays. There is so much choice when it comes to what platform to use to download apps and software for your PC's, iPads etc. Being able to download free software which offers great games and entertaining website access for the kids is so important. I was recommended by a friend to search up websites such as Freewares at Fileproton that offer free software and apps, perfect for those days that need a little help when it comes to entertaining the children! So many people are using tablets,…

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