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On Summer Routines {FREE Printable!}

Still experimenting with whether or not my nine-year old has Inattentive Type ADHD, I've found it extremely helpful to develop regular routines to keep her organized and functioning at her best.  I myself function better with routines; it's less likely that I'll forget something, for one, and it gives me a slight sense of control over my life. I have to say it's much easier to function on routine during the school months.  The school day has already been decided for us, and the routines that my kids follow at school don't have to be planned out by me.  And while…

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Super Summer 2016 FREE! Printable Calendar Reveal!

Oh my goodness, I am so excited to finally be finished with my summer calendars; it's liberating!    I feel like I am running a bit behind this year with these, because I like to have them posted a little further out from the end of school, but well, I was waiting on camp information and such.  And when you wait on someone else who likes to be late, inevitably you're going to be late.  Nevertheless, it's still here before school is out for us!  That being said, I'm happy to present to you our summer calendar! For the second year…

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The Hidden Leader

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of each sale when you make a purchase using these links; however, I fully support and recommend each of these products.  You can view my full disclosure policy here. Have you ever read a book focused on the story of Nehemiah?  Do you even know who Nehemiah is?  Do you know why he's important?  For the longest time, I knew about Nehemiah, but I didn't perceive how important his role in the Bible could be.  However, I recently had the opportunity to read through Nehemiah: Becoming a Godly Leader by Gregory Brown,…

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Share the Love {Courageous Giveaway!}

Hey ladies and gents! I was so excited this morning to find that UPS had dropped off the first shipment of my new book Courageous: Living the Fearless Life God Intended.  In fact, I was so glad that I decided I wanted to do something for someone else.  I so appreciate all of the support and encouragement I've received during the writing of this book that I wanted to pay it forward and share the love with others. So. That being said, I am offering a few giveaways via a few different outlets, because I like to keep my options open…

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Goal Setting: Week of May 15, 2016

So I know it's been a while since I posted my goal updates and goals for next week, but here we go; I'm going to try this again.  This week felt fairly unproductive, though I guess you could say I got a decent amount of things done: all of the laundry, made some phone calls about my book, took some phone calls about said book, and actually put up a post or two.  Here's hoping next week I am a little more focused: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7) Work on 1 cross stitch color Physical:…

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