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Trades of Hope: Product Review

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Rachel Cunningham, Compassionate Entrepreneur for Trades of Hope.  This means that I received compensation for this blog post; however, all opinions are my own.  This post may also contain affiliate links.  For more information, please read my full disclosure here. What is Trades of Hope?  Trades of Hope is a fair trade company that works to helps women across the globe by marketing handmade products through the home party model across America.  Trades of Hope was founded by two moms and their daughters who wanted to change the world and empower women.  Thus, Trades…

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Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #4

This week, I've decided to scrap the theme idea due to low entries.  So going forward, feel free to post anything, as long as you keep to the following guidelines: in keeping with Making the Most's brand, I'm asking that you post your favorite recipes, crafts, decor, activities, faith-based, and lifestyle posts.  Please do not post anybody else's work, sponsored posts, linkups, or any blog posts with foul language.  Next week, I will feature my favorite post from this week or a roundup of a group of my favorite posts. In order to be featured next week: You must comment on your…

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After the Wedding: 10 Things You Need to Know About Being a Stepmom

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same.  Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent.  While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted toward the step-mother who is actively involved with her step children on an everyday basis, whether your visits are once a year or daily.  I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. Part 2 of my 3-part Stepmom Series: 1) If you have kids of your own, nothing will ever be fair.  Ever.  If the father of your children is in the picture,…

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Scripture Sunday: Psalm 51:12

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you." -Psalm 51:12 I love this verse, not just because the first part is part of a song, but because of the second half of the verse, "Make me willing to obey you."  Some of you might think that this is just allowing God to control us, but it's not.  I can tell you that, in my life, I pray often for God to make me want to do what's right.  It's not easy to do what's right, because sometimes sin looks so much more appealing and we…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 9, 2015

This week wasn't half bad with goals.  I think, despite everything that was going on (which was a lot--it was craziness!), I did pretty well.  This week I don't have any cleaning goals, but school is gearing up where we are right now, so I think the less goals the better for the next couple of weeks.  Anyway, here's how I did. Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: 1 soda every other day 2 c. of water daily Exercise (2/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (3/7) 1 hour with Prince Charming Spend time…

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