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Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #2: Front Porch Feature

Thanks to everyone who joined me on my very first linkup this last week!  I was thrilled to see all of the different types of links that were posted, and it was oh, so hard to pick one to feature this week! I couldn't help but just love the front porch ideas shared by The Designest: You can view her full post by click on the picture or by clicking here. This week, I'd like you to share your back-to-school posts: lunch ideas; lunchbox notes; homeschool crafts, activities planners, and materials; back-to-school clothing; or teachers gifts.  If you don't wish…

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God, I Don’t Understand What You’re Doing: 3 Ways to Let God Be Your GPS

  "God, I don't understand what you're doing." In this year of faith, I find myself saying this a lot. It's hard to understand what He's doing when it's hard to hear Him speak.  Especially when He leads you in one direction and then decides to tell you to turn where you didn't expect.  Because sometimes, you know, God does that.  He starts by saying, "Go like you're going toward California."  Then, later on, he says, "Now I want you to turn left toward Texas."  Two different locations, but you have to go like you're going West first and then…

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Goal Setting: Week of July 26, 2015

Okay, so this week wasn't quite as bad as last week with accomplishing goals, but it still wasn't great either.  What I really need to do is focus on my prayer time and my physical goals.  I'm really feeling sluggish right now, so what I'm doing currently needs to stop.  I didn't quite get all the cleaning and ironing done, but I also did 4 extra loads of sheets and blankets (thanks to Rapunzel), crushed 2 large trash bags of aluminum cans, and swept the basement stairs, so I figure it's a wash. Here's how I did with everything else:…

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Small Shop Saturday: Featuring Little Bits Homemade

Today, I am so SO excited to do my very first Small shop Saturday and to feature one of my friends from high school!  Sara and I were in a sewing class together and, thanks to Facebook, we've been able to keep in touch.  So when I decided to feature a small shop, naturally she was the first person who came to mind.  What I'd like to do is introduce Sara and her business partner, Kayla, and let them tell you about their business in a little Q&A session.  Make sure you read through to the end, because there is a special…

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