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Finding Gratitude in the Midst of Turmoil

"Yes!  The Lord has done amazing things for us!  What joy!" - Psalm 126:3 When I read this verse today (and presumably when I highlighted it), I immediately thought of everything that God has done in our lives.  You almost can't help it when you read this verse.  The excitement with the exclamation!  The word choices!  You can't help but get excited too! It is true that we're struggling financially right now. And it's true that we've had to make major changes in our lives over the last year, and it has truly been tough. And it's so hard for…

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Goal Setting: Week of July 19, 2015

This week was a terrible week in terms of accomplishing my goals.  I accomplished a lot in terms of blog views and updates, etc., but I spent so much time working on the blog that I failed in every other area.  This is why I reevaluate every week to figure out what's working and what's not.  So without further ado, here's how I did this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (2/7) Mental: Journal (2/7) Physical: No soda 8 c. of water daily Exercise (3/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Princess Anna and Rapunzel(3/7) 1 hour…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday: Q&A

This week on Work-in-Progress Wednesday I wanted  to offer YOU an opportunity! What I'd like to do is have an extended Q&A session.  I know there are still a lot of you out there who don't really understand what blogging is, what I'm about, or how to do certain things.  Others of you are more experienced but may have some more in depth questions. Here's your opportunity to ask me any question you want (as long as it's appropriate, sincere, and polite).  If you have any question at all about the blog: how to do something, what I think about…

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When Friendship Doesn’t Come Easy

I hope I'm not the only one when I say this, but I think making friends is hard.  It was hard in junior high, it was hard in college, and it's hard now.  I went to Mom & Me Camp with my youngest daughter this weekend, and I felt like I was 12 again: unsure of what to say, afraid of looking stupid, just desperate for a friend.  My little girl made friends in 20 minutes.  I'm still not sure if I made friends or not. But one thing I know for sure: I am desperate for them.  Friendships, I…

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Run to Jesus

"I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it.  Instead, I do what I hate." - Romans 5:17 Regardless of your sin, don't you often find yourself thinking these same sentiments that Paul wrote thousands of years ago?  It can be as simple as eating that extra piece of chocolate.  I know it goes: "Oooh, chocolate." "No.  I can't have that." "But it looks so good." "Nope, can't do it." "But it's just one piece." "Oh, okay, one piece won't hurt." Even when we know we're supposed to be feeding ourselves…

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