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Goal Setting: Week of June 14, 2015

Well, it's nice to reflect on how I did this week, albeit somewhat disappointing in some areas.  I do need to add in some time today for some designated prayer.  It's tough to find 20 minutes of time with peace and quiet, although maybe that's something I need to break up throughout the day.  I also majorly failed my physical goals and struggle with family goals.  I spend a lot of time with Rapunzel and Princess Anna, and I did spend a lot of time with them this week helping them sort through toys, letterboxing, reading, and working on worksheets.…

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(Updated!) Loaded Baked Potato and Chicken Casserole

I am actually reposting this recipe from quite a while ago.  We made it again last week, and it was so good I couldn't help but post it again.  While I was at it, I decided to update the pictures and make some adjustments to the recipe.  I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did, because I got hungry just thinking about it! Let me just start out by saying this is most definitely one of my most favorite dishes...ever!  Oh my goodness I loved it.  And so did Prince Charming and Rapunzel.  I would definitely make…

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Work-in-Progress Wednesday

This Work-in-Progress Wednesday, I continue to work on the printable scripture cards I told you about last week.  There are just so many verses I love and want to share that it's hard to weed any out. I'm also working on trying to post ahead of schedule so that you can continue to get your daily dose of Making the Most.  I'm sure many of you can identify with the fact that things just come up many days, and I know our summer plans have the potential of taking up my daily blogging time as it has in the past.  And…

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DIY Raised Garden Bed: Part 2

A few weeks ago, we took the plunge to start up our summer garden again. We booked a lawn care specialist from to come and take a look at what could be done to get the grass looking a little happier. Prince Charming built another planter box for us, and we took an entire morning to loosen the ground, spread soil, and plant our seeds. You can see how badly the garden looked before and after in the gallery shown below. It definitely looks so much better! This year, we planted sweet corn, carrots, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, sunflowers, geraniums,…

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For When You’re Lonely

I've been struggling with loneliness lately. I know that we all get lonely sometimes, and many of us get lonely due to a lack of a relationship. If this applies to you, it may be a good idea to have a look on a site like, as they may be able to help you get through your struggles with loneliness. Or, if you're the kind of person that likes more practical solutions and you're missing that physical presence of a partner in your home, you might want to try products such as love dolls to help to fill an…

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