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December 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

As is my usual, I've put together a monthly menu for the month of December.  Feel free to use my menu as your own or modify it to fit your needs.  And as always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you.  

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November 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

As is my usual, I've put together a monthly menu for the month of November.  Feel free to use my menu as your own or modify it to fit your needs.  And as always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you.

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What to Do When We Say, “Yes, but God…”

This week I haven’t had it within me to say yes to God and His promises. Where I should have shouted a resounding yes, I’ve defiantly mumbled a yes but. Do you know that feeling? When you’re overwhelmed, hurt, or can’t catch your breath, hundreds of reasons why this promise doesn’t apply to you race through your mind, and every fiber of your being screams YES, BUT. Yes but…You don’t understand. Yes but…this is different. Yes but…I’m not good enough. Yes but…this is just too big. I find myself yes-butting God on a daily basis don’t you? Me: I’m a hot mess. My…

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Goal Setting: Week of October 9, 2016

This week I had some things that came up, throwing a wrench in some of my goals and plans.  This is why being flexible is so important and why I try not to get too uptight about my goals anymore. That being said, I did get a few things done this week.  Here's what I accomplished: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Attend Bible study Complete Bible study homework Mental: Journal (2/7) Physical: No soda 8 c. of water daily (3/7) Exercise (4/7) Relationships: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (1/7) Spend time with Princess Anna Spend time…

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When Motherhood is Hard…There is Help

  Motherhood, while very rewarding sometimes, can also be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. It takes a village to raise a child, and on the difficult days it might seem like you are your very own village, because this job can be just. so. hard. But what if I said that there are people who can help you? What if there were extra resources that could give you winning ideas to succeed at parenting on most days? Would you like a little help minimizing the hard stuff and maximizing the wonderful stuff involved in motherhood? If…

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